



REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE MEDICINA HUMANA 2019 - Universidad Ricardo Palma DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v19.n1.1787



Jhony A. De La Cruz -Vargas1,a,b,c, Lucy E. Correa López2,d , María del Socorro A. Gutiérrez Vda. de Bambaren3 , Hugo H. Sánchez Carlessi2

1 Director del Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas.URP, Lima-Perú.
2 Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima-Perú.
3Decana de la Facultad de Medicina humana, Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP), Lima-Perú.
a Especialista en Oncología Medica.
b Maestría en Investigación Clínica.
c Doctorado en Medicina.
d Economista, MBA.

Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas de la Universidad Ricardo Palma

Promote research in medical students and raise scientific production in Peruvian and Latin American universities is a priority and a necessity1.It is an honor to share with you we recently have published in the prestigious journal Educación Medica, by Elsevier, indexed in Scopus, the scientific article which summarizes the experience and the successful model of the Thesis Workshop Course that is taught in the Human Medicine Faculty at Ricardo Palma University: Promoting research in medical students and increasing scientific production in universities: Experience of the Undergraduate Thesis Workshop Course2.

The undergraduate thesis represents academic work with scientific rigor, considered as the first serious step of university students in the research field, which according to the new university law 30220 in force in Peru, is an essential requirement to obtain a university degree2.

This published article has some essential characteristics:
• Addresses an inherent theme to Medical Education in Universities
• Presents the University fundamental role in research and scientific production
• Shows the success model of degree by Thesis Workshop Course in Medicine, and shares it internationally.
• Describes in a systematic way the design and application of the Thesis Degree Workshop Course and its effectiveness in thesis production at the Faculty of Human Medicine.
• Gives presence and visibility to the Ricardo Palma University, through its Research Institute in Biomedical sciences

Some trends shown by the paper are: The clinical area appears as the most chosen among medical students, then surgical and public health. The average obtained in more than 450 supported theses is 16. 17 and the originality average is 11.29%.
An interesting aspect is the practical and innovative tools the Degree by Thesis Workshop Course provides: Research project guide and template, thesis draft template, systematic search manual, priority matrix of national and institutional research 2015-2021, practical sample size calculator, consult the supported theses bank, the Vancouver style guide, thesis support guide, crafting template of the article derived from your thesis.


The use of information technologies is a fundamental part of this successful model, the interactive application of Classroom, WhatsApp groups, and the use of the Turnitin originality reporting system in all theses, contributed to originality and encourage academic honesty in college students.

Promoting research in undergraduate is essential, for several reasons. Medicine students have a role in the research production and they must be present in financed projects, as requested by CONCYTEC and the URP. The development of critical thinking, ability to understand and evaluate publications, improvement of written skills and teamwork and start in the scientific data communication capacity.

All this supports their present and future attitude of development academic. With great satisfaction we can see how our medical students (SOCEMURP) come occupying prominent places nationally, both in publications as in leadership and participation. Encourage this development is an inescapable function of the University at all levels.

When we started the first Degree by Thesis Workshop Course in 2015, one of the challenges was not availability of research teachers with experience in advising and directing thesis.

Until the year 2018 we have completed the IV Thesis Degree Course, it has been hard and we have grown in teachers with experience in advising thesis and incorporating research teachers with real experience to transmit to future medical generations. Another essential aspect is access to virtual databases of scientific information and clinical decision support, The Human Medicine Faculty at Ricardo Palma University is registered and has access to ClinicallKey and is desirable count with SCOPUS and ScienceDirect and Mendeley for the teachers and students’ community.

Even so, there is a long way to go, and we are working to have two Degree by Thesis Courses this 2019 one from March to July and another from August to November. The last one for the first time aimed at students who have a semester before entering to the Medical Internship, ideal situation for taking the Course and completing their research towards the thesis. One main challenge is to reach levels of publication of thesis in indexed journals 3, closing the research circle and contributing to the university positioning. An interesting option is to incorporate the Thesis in an article format scientific, as an opportunity to increase university scientific publication4 Generate the necessary conditions to achieve this challenge at university is everyone's job.


  1. Manuel Huamán-Guerrero, Jhony A. De La Cruz-Vargas. INICIB: Producción científica, colaboración y crecimiento académico 2016 [Editorial]. Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. 2017;17(1):7-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v17.n1.738
  2. Jhony A. De La Cruz Vargas, Lucy E. Correa López, Maria del Socorro Alatrista Vda. de Bambaren, Hector H. Sanchez Carlessi y Asesores participantes. Promoting research in medical students and increasing scientific production in universities: Experience of the Undergraduate Thesis Workshop Course. Education Medica Journal. 2018. SCOPUS. 10.1016/j.edumed.2018.06.003
  3. T.D. Silva, L.C. da Cunha Aguiar, J. Leta, D.O. Santos, F.S.Cardoso, L.M. Cabral, et al.Role of the undergraduate student research assistant in the new millennium Cell Biol Educ., 3 (2004), pp. 235-240
  4. Christoper A. Alarcon-Ruiz1,a , Maria A. Quezada. Publicación de artículos científicos por asesores de tesis de una Facultad de Medicina. Rev Med Hered. 2018; 29:152-157. DOI:https://doi.org/10.20453/rmh.v29i3.3403
  5. Mayta-Tristán Percy. Tesis en formato de artículo científico: oportunidad para incrementar la producción científica universitaria. Acta méd. peruana [Internet]. 2016 Abr [citado 2019 Ene 12] ; 33( 2 ): 95-98. Disponible en:http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php?script=sci_ arttext&pid=S1728-59172016000200001&lng=es.

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