

DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v19i4.2332



Dr. Jhony A. De La Cruz Vargas1,2,a,b,c

1 Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas (INICIB), Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima-Perú.
2 Director General del INICIB, URP, Lima-Perú.
a Especialista en Oncología Medica.
b Maestría en Investigación Clínica.
c Doctorado en Medicina.

Today we have the honor and joy of sharing with the scientific and university community that the “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma” (Journal of the Faculty of Human Medicine of the Ricardo Palma University) is now indexed on multiple national and international databases, the most recent is in Scielo.

All this has been possible thanks to all the support received by the authorities of the University and especially from our Rector Dr. Iván Rodríguez Chávez, who at all times gave us his motivation, support, encouragement and has inspired us with his example and job.

The indexing process of a scientific journal is laborious; it requires time and the confluence of skilled human resources, teamwork, identity with the University, institutional policy will to have the technical and administrative elements necessary to achieve the objectives, but especially a research editing team, with leadership and management capacity.

Indexing a journal implies ceasing to be grey literature and becoming part of international databases and repositories that require to follow a number of rigorous technical standards and original content quality, peer review, as well as complying with the frequency and periodicity of the publications. In Peru and Latin America, there are a few indexed journals, so working in this field means contributing to the dissemination of quality scientific production, increasing the visibility and positioning of our institutions.

Today we can say with great satisfaction that we have indexed the “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma” (Journal of the Faculty of Human Medicine of Ricardo Palma University) in Scielo. The road has been long, but full of challenges and lessons for the entire team of the journal.

The “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma” (Journal of the Faculty of Human Medicine of Ricardo Palma University) was founded by Dr. Manuel Huamán Guerrero and was first published in 1999. It won a place as the publication of Human Medicine and received the support of professors and researchers from the Faculty and Hospitals.

In 2016 I received an invitation from Dr. Huamán to collaborate with the edition of the journal. In 2017, as co-editor, we proposed a re-engineering of the journal. We were the first journal of the Ricardo Palma University to obtain the DOI (Objective Digital Identifier), through the management of the “Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas de la Universidad Ricardo Palma” (Biomedical Sciences Research Institute of Ricardo Palma University), becoming a CRODDREF member.

With the Faculty of Human Medicine, we proposed and obtained the following indexations in 2017-2018:

     2. CROSSREF
     3. REDIB

In 2019 we managed to index the magazine in:

     6. DOAJ
     8. SCIELO.
     9. LILACS OMS / OP.

It is important to reach the top of the mountain, but it is even more important to stay on it. This implies new challenges, creative capacity and innovation, improvement of processes and demands to mark the articles for Scielo, consolidate the quality of the original publications, expand the full text bilingual edition, optimize the management and use of the platforms, as well as increase the impact and application of the journal. We are already working to be soon in the platform: DIGITAL COMMONS of Elsevier, as well as to be in the OMS/OPS LILACS database.

Our next challenge is to reach a mayor challenge by 2021, not only to continue publishing articles in SCOPUS, but also be part of SCOPUS, indexing the “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma” (Journal of the Faculty of Human Medicine of Ricardo Palma University) in this prestigious international database. To this end, we will be presenting to the University the strategic plan for indexing the journal in SCOPUS for its approval.

We dedicate this achievement to our professors, to the entire team and to the memory of those who began the path in the Faculty of Human Medicine, which today we must continue and honor …

Figure 1. Indexing process.

Correspondence: Jhony A. De La Cruz Vargas
Adress: INICIB, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Edificio I-208. 2do piso. Avenida Benavides 5440, Surco, Lima-Perú.
Phone: 708-0000 / Anexo: 6016
E-mail: jhony.delacruz@urp.edu.pe


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