Prestational and sanitary impact of financing capitated in gestants and children under 5 years old in peru, 2011-2014

Impacto prestacional y sanitario del financiamiento capitado en gestantes y niños menores de 5 años en perú, 2011-2014


  • Roberto Romero-Onofre
  • Ana Carmela Vásquez Quispe-Gonzales
  • Sergio Ricardo Mispireta-Loli
  • Juky Paola Vega-Baldeon
  • Flavio Romani-Ramos
  • Sabino Noa-Gonzales


Capitated, Payment mechanisms, Impact, Difference in differences, Health outcomes, Intermediary outcomes, Public insurance system


Objective: To analyze the impact of the capital on the health of pregnant women and children under 5 years of
age affiliated to comprehensive health insurance in 3 pilot regions between 2011 and 2014. Methods: Study of
counterfactual analysis of difference in differences. The pilot regions are Apurímac, Ayacucho and Huancavelica,
while Amazonas, Cajamarca and Huánuco are controls. Indicators of acute diarrheal disease, acute respiratory
infection and anemia in children, and of maternal death avoided in pregnant women were measured, and
production indicators that include coverage of control of growth and development of the child and prenatal
control. Results: A negative impact was observed in acute diarrheal disease (-330) and maternal death prevented
(-213), and positive in acute respiratory infections (1540), anemia (736) and the child's control and development
rates and prenatal control - constant (9.5% and 7.8%). Only maternal death avoided was not significant (p =
0.21). Conclusion: The expected impact of the capita agreement on acute diarrheal diseases is observed, but not
on the other indicators because the capitated increased the opportunity of access and detection of morbidity,
increasing the latter.
Key words: Capitated; Payment mechanisms; Impact; Difference in differences; Health outcomes; Intermediary
outcomes; Public insurance system. (source: MeSH NLM)

DOI:  10.25176/RFMH.v18.n3.1583



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How to Cite

Romero-Onofre, R., Vásquez Quispe-Gonzales, A. C., Mispireta-Loli, S. R., Vega-Baldeon, J. P., Romani-Ramos, F., & Noa-Gonzales, S. (2018). Prestational and sanitary impact of financing capitated in gestants and children under 5 years old in peru, 2011-2014: Impacto prestacional y sanitario del financiamiento capitado en gestantes y niños menores de 5 años en perú, 2011-2014. Revista De La Facultad De Medicina Humana, 18(3). Retrieved from