An estimation to the Andean pattern construction & community territory management


  • Roberto Arroyo Hurtado Universidad Ricardo Palma



Territory, cultural pattern, territorialization, communities, population centres, dispersed population


The political and cultural dimension of globalization brought the weakening and restructuring of the Nation-State in the centralized countries. In societies where the coloniality of power and knowledge are still dominants, a set of very complex processes entails the return of the territory as a communal construction as a Demiurge of the change time. There emerge some sustainable processes aimed at the appropriation, revaluation, recreation and resignification of territories, in addition to traditional and ancestral principles and practices open to transcultural processes that transport germs of the new one to a world surrounded by climate change and threatened by the deepening of the inequalities in all social areas. The objective of this text, based on an investigation promoted by the Ricardo Palma University (URP), is to approach this process from the central macrozone of the country.


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Author Biography

Roberto Arroyo Hurtado, Universidad Ricardo Palma

Bachillerato y Licenciatura en Antropología Social por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Máster en Ciencias Sociales y estudios de Doctorado Tercer Ciclo por la Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales, París, Francia. Actualmente ejerce la docencia en la UNMSM (Escuela de Antropología) y en la Universidad Ricardo Palma. Ex-docente de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, de la Universidad Nacional del Centro, y exdocente y Coordinador de la Maestría en Planificación Urbana y Regional de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Consultor sobre temas de planificación estratégica urbana y regional y de ordenamiento territorial. Publicaciones sobre Lima, comunidades andinas y planificación territorial



How to Cite

Arroyo Hurtado, R. (2019). An estimation to the Andean pattern construction & community territory management. PLURIVERSIDAD, 3(3), 15–44.



Original Papers