ISSN Versión impresa: 1992-2159; ISSN Versión electrónica: 2519-5697
Biotempo, 2020, 17(1), jan-jul.: 173-183.
aináh Bruna Santos-Zambrano1,2,*; Rubén Jaime-Szwom2 & Ricardo Sergio Almeida3
1* Departamento de Patología, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Ecuador. E-mail: thainahbruna@gmail.com
2 Departamento de Odontología, Instituto Universitario Italiano de Rosario (IUNIR), Argentina. E-mail: endodoncia.
3 Departamento de Microbiología, Universidad Estatal de Londrina, Brasil. E-mail: rikodonto@gmail.com
*Corresponding author: thainahbruna@gmail.com
Currently, there is a wide range of pharmaceutical products that o er great bene ts for the treatment of various oral
diseases. Most of these products are of synthetic origin with antibacterial properties but there are the numerous side
e ects associated with their use. An alternative is the use of natural products from plants and insects in the reduction of
the bacterial load of the oral cavity as chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.), cocoa ( eobroma cacao L.), aloe (Aloe
vera L.), moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), garlic (Allium
sativum L.), clove (Syzgium aromaticum L.), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum L.), stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni),
honey bee and propolis, addressed in this literature review.  is review attempts to address the use of di erent natural
compounds in reducing the bacterial load of the oral cavity. It can be concluded that there are several studies about the
e ects of natural products on the part of man in medicine, where there are a large number of works and publications
related to natural substances with active ingredients in reducing the bacterial load of the oral cavity.
Keywords: Dentistry – Microorganism – Natural products – Phytopharmaceuticals
Actualmente, existe una amplia gama de productos farmacéuticos que ofrecen grandes bene cios para el tratamiento de
diversas enfermedades orales. La mayoría de estos productos son de origen sintético con propiedades antibacterianas, pero
existen numerosos efectos secundarios asociados con su uso. Una alternativa es el uso de productos naturales de plantas
e insectos en la reducción de la carga bacteriana de la cavidad oral como la manzanilla (Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.),
el cacao ( eobroma cacao L.), el aloe (Aloe vera L.), la moringa (Moringa oleífera Lam.), el orégano (Origanum vulgare
L.), coco (Cocos nucifera L.), ajo (Allium sativum L.), clavo (Syzgium aromaticum L.), cardamomo (Elettaria cardamomum
L.), stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni), miel de abeja y propóleos, abordados en esta revisión de la literatura. Esta revisión
Biotempo (Lima)
Revista Biotempo: ISSN Versión Impresa: 1992-2159; ISSN Versión electrónica: 2519-5697 Santos- Zambrano et al.
intenta abordar el uso de diferentes compuestos naturales para reducir la carga bacteriana de la cavidad oral. Se puede
concluir que existen varios estudios sobre los efectos de los productos naturales por parte del hombre en la medicina,
donde hay una gran cantidad de trabajos y publicaciones relacionadas con sustancias naturales con ingredientes activos
para reducir la carga bacteriana de la cavidad oral.
Palabras clave: Fitofarmacéuticos –Microorganismos – Odontología – Productos naturales
e microbiota of the oral cavity is made up of thousands
of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and
viruses, which nd their ideal niche in it. e presence
of pathogenic bacteria and their products of metabolism
interfere with the homeostasis of the oral tissue, which
leads to the development of diseases such as caries,
periodontitis, and respiratory diseases (Mayta et al.,
2012; Falsetta et al., 2014; Jakubovics, 2015).
Various investigations, such as epidemiological studies,
laboratory tests, and animal tests, conrm the association
between Streptococcus mutans Clarke 1924, dental caries,
and poor hygiene of the oral cavity. S. mutans is a Gram-
positive bacterium with coconut morphology, with
optional anaerobic respiration, and presents lactic acid
as the nal product of its fermentation. e excessive
production of this acid by this coconut in the presence
of carbohydrates causes a drop in the pH (below 5.0)
and the demineralization of dental tissues, giving rise
and development to caries. is disease is multifactorial
and global in scope and aects children and adults. In
some parts of the world, it is endemic due to the minimal
hygiene instruction of the population and the poor local
conditions (non-uoridated water, lack of adequate
dental treatment, and a cariogenic diet) (Akthar et al.,
2014; Dalmasso et al., 2015; Oda, 2015). S. mutans is
also associated with cases of non-oral infection such as
bacterial endocarditis. erefore, it is crucial to decrease
the number of bacteria in the saliva before invasive
procedures, avoiding the appearance of bacteremia, and
the consequent endocarditis (Lambert et al., 2001; Shan
et al., 2011; Ricatto et al., 2014; Kaur et al., 2015).
Another important microorganism present in the oral
cavity is the Enterococcus faecalis Orla-Jensen 1919
bacteria. It is an optional Gram-positive and anaerobic
coco microorganism. is bacterium can colonize a wide
range of habitats, such as the gastrointestinal tract and
the vagina. In the oral cavity, it is free in saliva, and,
when present in the root canals, it is associated with
failure and the need for endodontic retreatment (Wang
et al., 2012; Aparicio et al., 2019; Bernardino et al.,
2019). Improvements in biological material collection
techniques and molecular identication methods helped
reveal this microorganism in root canals (Sedgley et al.,
2006; Alarcón et al., 2016; Escalante & Martínez, 2020;
Moreno et al., 2020). E. faecalis has some mechanisms
that aid in survival and permanence within the tooth,
where the decaying dental pulp creates an extremely
inhospitable environment. ese mechanisms include
high nutritional adaptation, survival in an extremely
alkaline environment, and mobility to penetrate deep
into the dentinal tubules (Gursoy et al., 2013; Bumb et
al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2015; Reyes et al., 2018).
e use of a toothbrush, paste, and dental oss combined
with a correct oral hygiene technique are among the
options found by humans for the mechanical elimination
of pathogenic microorganisms. However, some patients
cannot reach certain places or even lack the manual
dexterity necessary to carry out eective oral hygiene,
do not satisfactorily eliminate microorganisms, and,
consequently, favor the evolution of pathologies (Almas
& Al, 2004; Gunsolley, 2010; Al & Kasi, 2012).
As an alternative to this problem, mouthwashes are
recommended, since they can reach places that are dicult
for the patient to access, in addition to destabilizing and
helping to eliminate microorganisms (Santos, 2003; Xu
et al., 2011; Gonçalves, 2013).
All these factors result in the current market having a
wide range of pharmaceutical products that oer great
benets for treating various oral diseases. Most of these
products are of synthetic origin with healing properties.
ere is no report of products intended to decrease the
bacterial load of the oral cavity, only pharmaceutical
forms manufactured for the treatment of inammation
of the oral tissues (Shon et al., 2004; Enrile de Rojas &
Santos, 2005; Rasooli et al., 2009).
e use of natural compounds as a treatment agent for
dierent local and systemic disorders has been practiced
Natural compounds in reducing the bacterial load
for thousands of years in various countries, mainly
in eastern countries. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), 80% of the world population
depends on traditional herbal medicine for their primary
health needs (Borba & Macedo, 2006; García et al.,
e use of certain plants with natural medicinal properties
has always been used to produce or use some drugs related
to current therapeutics. In pharmaceutical laboratories,
some plants undergo some processes such as extraction,
purication, among others, and then they are used for
some pharmaceutical functions (Dagli et al., 2015;
Jakubovics, 2015). In addition to plants, compounds
generated by insects such as bees have also been used in
the development of natural medicines.
e aim of this research is to review the use of compounds
natural in reducing the bacterial load of the oral cavity.
Some natural compounds to reduce the bacterial load of
the oral cavity are presented below:
Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.)
Chamomile has been considered since past times as a
natural and traditional medicinal plant. It can be anti-
inammatory and antioxidant, thus helping relaxation,
disinammation and also acts as a sedative, having
reasonable control of bacteria and other microorganisms
in regards to the oral cavity. It has been proven that it
reduces signs of gingivitis, such as inammation and
bleeding at the gum level (López, 2015; Borja, 2017).
Chamomile is titled as an ideal natural medicine due
to its composition since this product does not produce
stains; taste alterations, are non-toxic and can be used
at all ages, both in children, the elderly, and pregnant
women (López, 2015).
e antibacterial eect that chamomile has on the bacte-
ria S. mutans, has been raised through studies for that it
can be used as a mouthwash. Since it is easily accessible,
low cost, and it can be found within everyones reach,
and it does not have harmful side eects for those who
choose it possible occupy chamomile as a natural medi-
cine (Schencke et al., 2016; Fazio et al., 2010).
Cocoa (eobroma cacao L.)
One of the most predominant pathologies in the oral
cavity due to S. mutans is caries and periodontal disease.
Dentistry has been in charge of investigating among
numerous natural agents to decrease the bacterial eects
within the oral biolm, among them cocoa complies with
properties against acids and glucan synthesis, allowing its
decrease and favoring the bacteriostatic qualities of the
mentioned agent (Mariani et al., 2010).
e properties of cocoa focus on the action that the
extract of her seeds and powder can generate in dental
plaque. Attributing the leading role to the polyphenols
in cocoa that are responsible for the inhibitory activity
on the glucosyltransferase enzyme, showing bacteriostatic
behavior that reduces to some extent, the action of the S.
mutans (Mariani et al., 2010).
Aloe (Aloe vera L.)
Taking into account the anti-inammatory, antimicrobi-
al, and tissue healing eects of aloe vera, its application
in dentistry is extensive. Periodontal disease and dental
caries are multifactorial pathologies of high prevalence
worldwide. ey have an infectious component with tis-
sue destruction; in this sense, the regenerative eect has
been demonstrated in soft and hard tissues (Boonyagul et
al., 2013). On the other hand, scarring requires the ab-
sence of microorganisms. erefore, the use of this plant
could solve pathologies such as periodontal disease, loss
of dentin tissue, bone tissue after tooth extraction, and
other pathologies, in an economical and relatively safe
way (Moreno et al., 2011; Boonyagul et al., 2013).
More than seven decades after the rst publication of
the application of Aloe vera in Dentistry, scientic work
is scarce, as periodontal disease is the most studied.
According to the results, the products or derivatives of
this plant could be a pharmacological alternative for
many oral diseases of an infectious, inammatory, and
tissue loss nature (Moreno et al., 2011).
Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.)
Although research on herbal medicine applied in
dentistry is scarce, moringa oers excellent potential
for applications in diseases such as dental caries and
periodontal disease, highly morbid pathologies, where
their ubiquity makes it one of the problems of most
important public health worldwide. In this sense, herbal
formulations with antiseptic and antiplaque action play an
essential role in the prevention of these diseases (Dinesh,
2016). Both dental caries and periodontal disease have
their origin in the bacterial biolm, an entity formed by
the colonization and accumulation of microorganisms
in the microora, immersed in a matrix of glucans. S.
mutans produces glucosyltransferase, an enzyme that
synthesizes these glucans, essential for the adherence and
Revista Biotempo: ISSN Versión Impresa: 1992-2159; ISSN Versión electrónica: 2519-5697 Santos- Zambrano et al.
survival of biolm microorganisms, since they form a
barrier that prevents the diusion of acids generated by
these bacteria, in addition to creating poor environment
oxygen (Dinesh et al., 2016; Fazio et al., 2019).
Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.)
Oregano is an aromatic plant. is plant has an essential
oil that is carvacrol and thymol. is plant is well known
commercially for being used as a species, seasoning, and
medicinal properties. It also has antibacterial, antifungal,
antiparasitic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
e oil that comes from this plant has an antimicrobial
eect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
is antibacterial eect is because oregano has a high
content of polyphenolic compounds (Albado et al., 2001;
Rasooli et al., 2009).
Earlier it was mentioned that oregano contains compounds
such as carvacrol and thymol; these compounds aect
the permeability of the cell membrane. e eect on
phospholipids causes changes in the composition of fatty
acids (Pérez et al., 2020).
Studies carried out to verify the eectiveness of oregano
against dental caries show the following (Karadaĝlioĝlu et
al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019):
“e ndings of this study show that O. vulgare
(Oregano) at low concentrations (1%, 5%, and 10%) do
not have any antibacterial eect on the in vitro growth of
S. mutans. However, at high concentrations (20%, 40%,
60%, 80%, and 100%), they have an antibacterial eect
against the growth of S. mutans. So it was determined
that the minimum inhibitory eect was achieved at 20%
corresponding to 4 g of oregano in 200 ml of water.
According to the results of the study, the higher the dilution
of oregano concentration, the greater the inhibition halos
(Karadaĝlioĝlu et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019).
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)
Coconut oil has antibacterial properties as a natural
product. Also, it has antibiotic properties that come from
a high concentration of lauric acid, which is characterized
by the increased antibacterial and antiviral properties of
the body. For this reason, when applied, coconut oil will
be more eective than any other synthetic product, since
it can minimize consequences, acting as an inhibitor of S.
mutans, as the main bacteria involved in the generation of
dental caries (Joy et al., 2019).
An in vitro experimental research carried out (Lambert,
2001) in which coconut oil was applied to a culture of
S. mutans strains, to identify the inhibitory eect by
measuring inhibition halos, found the following:
“In a research study, homemade coconut oil was
made, in which a diluent was used to obtain dierent
concentrations of 50%, 75% and 100%, which is pure
oil, whose average inhibition results were 12.96 mm for
100% concentration, 12.05 mm at 75% concentration
and 11.17 mm at 50% concentration, which shows that
S. mutans turns out to be “Sensitive or inhibited” when
presenting halos of inhibition greater than 8 mm”.
Streptococcus mutans was shown to be sensitive to coconut
oil in concentrations of 50%, 75% and 100%, taking
into account that there are no signicant dierences
between the inhibitions produced by the three dierent
concentrations (Joy et al., 2019).
Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
In a study in India, he stated that an abscessed tooth is
an infection with unsupportable pain that occurs when
these bacteria enter the root of the tooth through a cavity
or crack between them. ese cavities occur when certain
substances or bacteria, whether external or internal,
enter between these cracks and make your enamel
susceptible and weak. e symptoms are closely related
to redness, burning, and swelling of the gums (Saha &
Bandyopadhyay, 2019).
e mixture of the avonoids that have sulfur in garlic
heals a specic part of the swelling and relieves pain.
It contains a substance called Allicin that its action
is to function as a natural antibiotic that can make it
possible to destroy some other bacteria. Garlic is a local
anesthetic that gives pain relief by numbing the infected
area and aiming to reduce pain temporarily (Saha &
Bandyopadhyay, 2019).
Garlic, when used as a natural agent, can be used alone or
mixed with other natural ingredients to make a treatment
with improvement and eectiveness. ere are several
ways on how to apply garlic (topical use), place the garlic
clove in direct contact with the infected area, rinse with
garlic water, ll garlic powder, garlic paste and salt with
hot water as an antiseptic property, garlic ointment as an
antibiotic, garlic and cloves as a pain reliever and garlic
paste and Curcuma (Saha & Bandyopadhyay, 2019).
Natural compounds in reducing the bacterial load
Clove (Syzgium aromaticum L.)
According to Radünz et al. (2019) deduced that thanks
to the small properties provided by cloves, a natural and
eective remedy could be obtained to combat cavities and
prevent the severe accumulation of tartar and to combat
bad breath. To keep the teeth and the entire oral cavity
healthy, we must maintain adequate hygiene and, for
this, more eectively, natural agents such as rinsing cloves
against dental caries. Cloves have excellent antiseptic
properties (Radünz et al., 2019).
Most toothpaste and rinses contain ingredients that could
be harmful to the oral cavity, such as alcohol, parasites,
and sulfates. is natural agent serves to complete the
cleaning of the mouth and to provide good breath after
the correct brushing of teeth. With this, it can facilitate
the elimination of microorganisms, either 50% of which
cause cavities, bad breath, and inammation of the
oral cavity. However, this can be supplemented by its
help with alcohol and natural ingredients such as cloves
(Radünz et al., 2019).
Clove is an aromatic spice originating from Indonesia,
and its high antiseptic power prevents cavities and any
oral infection, it has analgesic properties for toothache.
Its intense smell is a remedy for bad breath and is anti-
inammatory for the gums and prevents gingivitis
(Radünz et al., 2019).
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum L.)
Cardamom is an aromatic condiment with highly valued
medicinal agents since it helps digestion, it is a remedy
for lack of salivation, a natural antiseptic, and a remedy
for halitosis and bacteria that cause cavities. is plant
is usually harvested in countries of India, it is a family
of ginger, and therefore it grows and has excellent roots
(Maheswari et al., 2020).
It has large owers and green leaves, its seed has a bitter
taste, but it is edible since it has its benets as it is a natural
medicine for bad breath since this plant is a source of
cineole, this is a natural antiseptic that helps kill bacteria
that cause cavities (Maheswari et al., 2020).
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)
Stevia is used as pills in natural medicine, in the medicine
of Asian countries, it is considered to be very good to
ght allergies, increase defenses, control cholesterol and
is also a natural treatment for hypertension, diabetes,
obesity, caries and oral health. On the other hand, in the
Mediterranean and American countries, its properties are
less known, because people are unaware of its properties
and its healing capacity, it is also known as the sweet herb
of Paraguay. It is edible, and we nd it as a sunower
family (Tiwari et al., 2018).
It has eective agents for treatments of oral conditions
such as caries, the extracts it has been lethal for the bacteria
that cause caries and dental plaque. ese discoveries are
important not only because these microorganisms do
not grow because there is no sugar, but also because the
activity is bactericidal, that is, it kills the bacteria that drive
these diseases. is opens a handy eld for stevia in other
pharmacological applications. It can be used as the main
compound in mouthwashes, toothpaste, among others,
due to its high content of vitamin C (Tiwari et al., 2018).
Honey bee
Bee honey has essential medicinal properties so much so
that since ancient times they have been considered for
helping in treatments against infections caused by both
bacteria and fungi. Manuel de la Rosa and José Prieto
maintain that (De la Rosa & Prieto, 2010):
“Honey is a natural product, made by bees based on the
nectar of owers, bees enrich and transform this nectar
with substances that they generate in their bodies, and
deposit it and store it in the combs where they mature.t
presents an acidic pH ranging from 3.2 to 4.5”.
e antibacterial characteristics that it presents are
mainly due to its osmolarity. Its content is related to
the demand for water present, its low pH, among other
specic components that each plant possesses, these will
transfer its qualities and elements positive and essential to
the nectar collected by bees (Romero, 2013).
e honey has been investigated against S. mutans infec-
tions, dental plaque and caries, gingivitis and halitosis.
Honey was also useful in preventing side eects associated
with treatment of cancers of the head and neck, namely,
radiation induced mucositis, xerostomia and poor wound
healing (Ramsay et al., 2019).
Sánchez (2017), denes propolis as being: “distinguished
by being a resinous substance, bitter at times with
a pleasant and sweet aroma, propolis, performs an
antibacterial action such as inactivating the membrane
potential and inhibiting protein synthesis as for bacteria,
it is concerned.
Revista Biotempo: ISSN Versión Impresa: 1992-2159; ISSN Versión electrónica: 2519-5697 Santos- Zambrano et al.
When talking about the bacterium S. mutans (the
primary driver of caries), the focus is on damage to the
plasma membrane. e antibacterial action that propolis
develops consists of exclusive chemical composition in
avonoids such as apigenin, identied by having the
inhibitory quality of glucosyltransferases in bactericidal
response, avoiding the synthesis of glucans since these
can aect the oral microbiota (Sánchez, 2017). is
bacterium mentioned above has acidogenic properties
which promote the production of extracellular and
intracellular polysaccharides, under the eects of propolis
(Mayta et al., 2012).
Antimicrobial-inhibitory eects of compounds
natural on microorganisms in the oral cavity.
In Table 1, it is shown the antimicrobial inhibitory
eects of natural compounds from plants and insects on
microorganisms, being that dierent parts of the plants
(fruit, endosperm, seed, bulb, shell, stem and leaves) are
extracted with chemical or natural solvents, in the control
of microorganisms, in research in vivo and in vitro.
Table 1. Antimicrobial-inhibitory eects of compounds natural on microorganisms in the oral cavity.
Plant/part or
natural Extract Micro-organism control Application References
citratus Spreng/ fruit
Ethanol Enteriobacteriacae, Staphylococcus
aureus Rosenbach,1884 in vitro (Ramsay et al.,
Allium sativum L./
Bulb Ethanol Enteriobacteriacae,
Candida spp. Berkhout, 1923
in vitro (Ramsay et al.,
ymus vulgaris L./
leaves ymol,
Listeria monocytogenes Pirie, 1940,
Escherichia coli Escherich, 1885,
S. typhimirium Rosenbach,1884
S. aureus
in vitro (Radünz et al.,
ocinalis L./ leaves
Geraniol S. aureus,
E. coli,
S. typhimirium,
L. monocytogenes
in vitro (Rasooli et al.,
neriifolius Ernst /
Oil S. aureus,
Enterococcus faecalis Orla-Jensen 1919,
E. coli,
Klebsiella pneumoniae Trevisan 1885,
Pseudomonas aureginosa Schroeter,
Candida albicans Berkhout, 1923,
Candida krusei Berkhout, 1923
in vitro (Reyes et al., 2018)
eobroma cacao L./
shell. Oil P. aeruginosas,
Proteus sp. Hauser 1885.
Enterobacter sp., E. coli,
Pseudomonas putida Trevisan 1889
in vitro (Romero, 2013)
Continua Table 1
Natural compounds in reducing the bacterial load
Aloe vera L./gel Glycerol Helicobacter pylori Marshall et al. 1985,
E. coli,
E. faecalis,
S. aureus,
Streptococcus mutans Clarke 1924
in vitro (Saha &
Cocos nucifera L./
endosperm Oil Listeria ivanovii,
L monocytogenes
in vitro (Sánchez, 2017)
Moringa oleífera
Lam./ Seed Water E. coli, β-Lactamasas in vivo (Santos, 2003)
Stevia rebaudiana
Bertoni/ leaves
Ethanol S. sanguinis White & Niven, 1946
Actinomyces viscosus (Howell et al.,
1965) Georg et al., 1969.
in vitro (Sedgley et al.,
Salvadora persica L./
stem Water S. mutans
Lactobacillus spp. Beijerinck 1901
S. aureus
in vivo (Schencke et al.,
Juglans regia L./ stem Methanol
S. mutans,
Porphyromonas gingivalis Coykendall et
al., 1980
in vivo (Shan et al., 2011)
Camellia sinensis L./
leaves Polyphenol
S. mutans in vitro (Shon et al., 2004)
Morus alba L./ leaves Ethanol S. mutans,
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
Klinger, 1912,
P. gingivalis,
Prevotella intermedia (Holdeman &
Moore 1970) Shah & Collins 1990,
Streptococccus mutans Clarke 1924,
Streptococcus mitis,
S. sanguinis,
Actinomycete viscosus (Howell et al.,
1965) Georg et al., 1969, Lactobacillus
acidophilus Johnson et al., 1980
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis
(Orla-Jensen 1919) Weiss et al. 1984
in vitro (Tiwari et al.,
Mentha spicata L./
leaves Oil S. mutans in vivo, in vitro (Wang et al., 2012)
Continua Table 1
Continua Table 1
Revista Biotempo: ISSN Versión Impresa: 1992-2159; ISSN Versión electrónica: 2519-5697 Santos- Zambrano et al.
Eucalyptus globulus
LaBill./ stem Oil P. gingivalis
Actiobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
Klinger, 1912
Fusabaterium nucleatum Knorr, 1922
S. mutans
Streptococcus sobrinus
In vivo, In vitro (Xu et al., 2011)
Bee honey, Propolis Water Bacillus cereus Frankland & Frankland,
Bacillus subtilis Ehrenberg, 1835,
E. coli,
Salmonella enteritidis (Gaertner 1888)
Castellani & Chalmers 1919,
Salmonella typhimurium Le Minor &
Popo, 1987,
S. aureus
In vitro (Zhang et al.,
According to the literature, it can be concluded that
there are several studies concerning the eects of natural
products on the part of man in medicine, where there are a
large number of works and publications related to natural
substances with an active ingredient of biological interest
with phytopharmaceuticals. However, in dentistry,
there is also this trend, more than a few publications
that allow a scientic endorsement for or use of these
products, mainly the development of mouthwashes with
a preventive and alternative means of reducing bacterial
load in the oral cavity of the individual.
Conict of interest
e authors declare that they do not have any conict of
interest regarding the study topic.
Ethical aspects
e authors declare that they have abided with ethical
guidelines regarding the study.
Akthar, M.S.; Birhanu, D. & Tanweer, A. 2014.
Antimicrobial activity of essential oils extracted
from medicinal plants against the pathogenic
microorganisms: a review. Journal of Social
Issues, 2350: 65-88.
Albado, P.E.; Saez, F.G. & Grabiel, A.S. 2001.
Composición química y actividad antibacteriana
del aceite esencial del Origanum vulgare
(orégano).Revista Médica Herediana,12: 16-
Almas, K. & Al, Z.Z. 2004. e immediate antimicrobial
eect of a toothbrush and miswak on cariogenic
bacteria: a clinical study. e Journal of
Contemporary Dental Practice, 5: 105-114.
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Received May 7, 2020.
Accepted June 20, 2020.