Genotoxic activity of arsenic
Author contributions: CRediT (Contributor Roles
CSE= Carlos Scotto Espinoza
RCL = Ricardo Céspedes Lizarraga
HMG = Hugo Medina Gomez
Conceptualization: CSE, RCL, HMG
Data curation: CSE, RCL
Formal Analysis: RCL, HMG
Funding acquisition: CSE, RCL, HMG
Investigation: CSE, RCL, HMG
Methodology: CSE, RCL, HMG
Project administration: CSE, RCL
Resources: CSE, RCL, HMG
Software: RCL, HMG
Supervision: CSE, RCL
Validation: CSE, RCL, HMG
Visualization: CSE, RCL, HMG
Writing – original draft: CSE, RCL
Writing – review & editing: CSE, RCL, HMG
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