Effects of the implementation of an ISMS based on the ISO 27001 standard for organizations





ISO 27001, information security, companies, technology, ISMS, implementation


Data protection is an outstanding figure in reality, in the domain of networks and communications, which is why it is significant to detail with comprehensive results that allow the efficient execution of computer warnings that try to complicate the resources in the services or take advantage of private information. The current research aims to develop a systematic exploration based on effects of the application of the ISO 27001 standard in different organizations, public and private, companies and micro-enterprises, SMEs and mypes, which are between 2016 and 2021. The open access repositories used were ALICIA, DIALNETPLUS, REDALYC, SCIELO. Likewise, the writings were ordered by time of diffusion, language, place of publication and it was concluded that the application of a data security procedure truly contributes to the following aspects: availability, confidentiality and integrity; Determine the risks, vulnerabilities and threats in the processes; understanding of the skills in data security increasing the confidence and progress of the corporate image.


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Author Biographies

Jamil Alberto Panaqué Dominguez, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.

Estudiante de Ingeniería de Sistemas.

Yerson Gabriel Lizárraga Caipo, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.

Estudiante de Ingeniería de Sistemas.

Alberto Mendoza De los Santos, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú.

Senior Lead Implementer.


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How to Cite

Panaqué Dominguez, J. A., Lizárraga Caipo, Y. G., & Mendoza De los Santos, A. (2022). Effects of the implementation of an ISMS based on the ISO 27001 standard for organizations. Engineering Profiles, 18(18), 67–74. https://doi.org/10.31381/perfilesingenieria.v18i18.5399



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