

DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v20i1.2703



Joan A. Loayza-Castro1,2,Josué R. Sánchez-Cruz1,Athenas P. Ortiz-Melgar1

1 Scientific Society of Medical Students of the Ricardo Palma University (SOCEMURP), Lima-Peru.
2 International Federation of Medical Students Associations Peru (IFMSA Peru), Lima-Peru.

Mr. Editor

Healthcare-associated diseases are a problem that not only involves the patients who enter the service, but also staff and students who carry out their internships in the different institutions.

Hospital-acquired infections are defined as: "Localized or systemic diseases that result from an adverse reaction resulting from exposure to an infectious agent or its toxins, without evidence that the infection was present or in the incubation period at the time of care"(1). The lack of knowledge on the part of health science staff and students who are in contact with patients, as well as the implementation of health practices without taking into account biosecurity measures are the main reasons for contracting a nosocomial infection.

One of the main sources of nosocomial contamination is the hands. The World Organization of Health (WHO) indicates that handwashing must be carried out at five stages of patient care: a) before touching the patient, b) before performing aseptic task, c) after risk of exposure to body fluids, (d) after touching the patient and (e) after contact with the environment of the patient(2). In Peru, it has been found that 70% of health staff do not comply with the adherence to hand washing, moreover, a study found that, in a third-level care hospital in Lima, 91.9% of stethoscopes are contaminated and doctors have little information about the importance of cleaning these. Another study found that 95% of mobile phones in a third level hospital showed bacterial growth, mostly Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Streptococcus spp, enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomona aeruginosa(3).

Regarding the knowledge and attitudes of the medical intern towards biosecurity measures, In a study conducted in the city of Arequipa, it was found that 40% of interns who have a high knowledge about biosecurity measures have an inadequate attitude towards this. 36.40% of interns has a low knowledge and inadequate attitude towards the management of contaminated waste(4). There is scientific evidence about this problem that is developing at a global level, in which our country is not oblivious to this reality and is increasing its prevalence.

As medical students and with the support of the doctors, nurses and health staff, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to implement workshops, courses, talks and training that are in direction to not only good biosafety knowledge, but also to our attitudes towards this important issue, as well as regulations to ensure the safety of medicine students that are in contact with patients on a daily during the development of their practices; with this we leave an open letter to take into account the issue of biosafety as a topic for future research publications.

Author contribution: The authors participated in the genesis of the idea, gathering information, writing and final version of the original article.
Financing: Self financing.
Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare in the publication of this article.
Received: September 24, 2019
Accepted: December 16, 2019

Correspondence: Joan A. Loayza-Castro
Address: Av. Benavides 5440, Surco. Lima, Perú.
Telephone: 946 558 954
E-mail: loayzacastrojoan@gmail.com


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