

DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v20i3.3032



Manuel H. Leiva 1,2,a, Brady E. Beltrán1,3,a Efraín A. Alarcón1,4,a Jaime Puicón1,4,a Erika J. Marcial1,2,a Alex R. A. Capellino1,5,a Renzo M. Salas3,a

1 Junta Directiva, Asociación de Médicos Ex Residentes de Oncología Médica (AMEROM). Lima, Perú.
2 Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren. Lima, Perú.
3 Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins. Lima, Perú.
4 Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Yrigoyen. Lima, Perú.
5 Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión. Tacna, Perú.
aMedical oncologist


The disease by the new coronavirus strain (COVID-19) has been classified as a pandemic by the WHO. In Peru, a state of national emergency and compulsory social isolation had been declared since 15 March. Global health systems have been greatly impacted by COVID-19, which forced health systems, societies and medical associations to design prioritized intervention strategies to provide continuity of patient care in infected areas and COVID-19-free areas. A cancer patient is classified as vulnerable and represents a risk factor for complications due to COVID-19, such as admission to the intensive care unit, intubation, and early death due to infection due to COVID-19. This is how the Asociación de Médicos Ex Residentes de Oncología Médica (AMEROM), has endeavored to give recommendations adaptable to our health system, to continue with the prioritized care of cancer patients. Through the modified methodology of expert consensus, based on the literature, recommendations have been generated at different stages of the pandemic, reaching a final consensus of clinical recommendations for the management of cancer patients in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru, to provide useful information to health professionals. This article indicates the processes by which agreements were reached to make recommendations and generate the order of priority adopted by AMEROM.

Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Neoplasms (Source: MeSH NLM)


La enfermedad por la nueva cepa de coronavirus (COVID-19) ha sido catalogada como una pandemia por la OMS. En el Perú, se decretó estado de emergencia nacional y aislamiento social obligatorio desde el 15 de marzo. Los sistemas de salud a nivel mundial han sufrido un gran impacto debido a la COVID-19, la cual obligó a los sistemas de salud, sociedades y asociaciones médicas a diseñar estrategias de intervención priorizada para dar continuidad a la atención de los pacientes en áreas COVID-19 y áreas libres de COVID-19. El paciente con cáncer es catalogado como vulnerable y representa un factor de riesgo para complicaciones por COVID-19, como ingreso a unidad de cuidados intensivos, intubación y muerte temprana por infección por COVID-19. Es así como la Asociación de Médicos ExResidentes de Oncología Médica (AMEROM), se ha esforzado en dar recomendaciones adaptables a nuestro sistema de salud, con la finalidad continuar con la atención priorizada de los pacientes con cáncer. Mediante la metodología modificada de consenso de expertos, bajo el sustento bibliográfico, se han generado recomendaciones en diferentes etapas de la pandemia, llegando a un consenso final de recomendaciones clínicas para el manejo de pacientes oncológicos en el marco de la pandemia COVID-19 en Perú, con el fin de brindar información útil a los profesionales de la salud. El presente artículo indica los procesos con los que se llegaron a los acuerdos para dictar las recomendaciones y generar el orden de prioridad adoptado por AMEROM.

Palabras clave: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Neoplasias (Fuente: DeCS BIREME)


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019(1) . The General Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), on 30 January 2020, declared the outbreak as a public health emergency(2) . The first case of COVID-19 was filed in Peru on March 6, 2020. Five days later the WHO declared it a pandemic, and on March 15, it was a state of National Emergency and compulsory social isolation was declared in Peru(3).

Cancer is an associated risk factor for severe outcomes in patients with a COVID-19 infection(4). Cancer patients are in the vulnerable population as they have a 0.79% probability of being diagnosed with COVID-19, as opposed to the general population, whose probability is 0.37% (OR 2.31, 95% CI 1.89-3.02). In the study described by Liang et al., there was a higher admission to the intensive care unit, invasive ventilation, and death compared to non-oncological patients (39% vs. 8% p=0.003)(4). These findings were also corroborated in an Italian study evaluating lethality among 355 patients, of whom 20.3% had an active neoplasm(5).

The Asociación de Médicos Ex Residentes de Oncología Médica (AMEROM), made a consensus of recommendations for the management of cancer patients, in order to provide information to health professionals who care for cancer patients, to prioritize and give continuity to the care of these patients. In this way, their exposure to health services and the exposure of health personnel would decrease.



The members of the board of directors of AMEROM have evaluated the scientific evidence available on the internet on the care of cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic; review of technical and regulatory documents at the national level, recommendations of specialized institutions in the care of cancer patients and finally through the consensus of experts in the area of Oncología Médica de la Seguridad Social del Perú(6)


The recommendations are based on a consensus of experts in the field of medical oncology, using the modified nominal group methodology, which has been developed through virtual meetings, with exposure of ideas, electronic voting, and generation of ideas based on the revised literature.

Clinical oncologists who developed initial measures in the early stages of the pandemic were consulted in order to gather their experience in developing practical methods of cancer patient care under COVID-19(6)

These recommendations are not intended to be a management guide, but to give an idea to publicize the order of priority for cancer patient care during the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, which may change according to the development of scientific evidence available in the current context.

The consensus of recommendations was worked in three phases

  1. Local prioritization, where each Health Network indicated its priorities, prior to the publication of other prioritization systems
  2. Local consensus meeting with experts from different health networks that treat cancer patients in the Social Security of Peru where they set out the order of priorities for the institutional management consensus
  3. Meeting with experts from different health networks that serve cancer patients in the Social Security of Peru and AMEROM Board of Directors, to evaluate the order of local prioritization in contrast to the normative documents and guidelines of recommendation published.


Recommendations for the care and monitoring of patients The areas intended for patient care Prioritized consultation visits Telemedicine Medical Board and Multidisciplinary Evaluation Order of prioritization

Priority Level




Patients whose condition immediately jeopardizes their life, are clinically unstable or on the clinical scale of benefit, qualify as high priority (significant overall survival gain or improvement substantial in quality of life).

Rapidly progressive tumors and risk of early death.

Oncological Emergencies.

Therapies with healing intentions.

Acute decompensations.


Non-critical patients where delaying their therapy for more than 6 weeks could potentially impact the result or magnitude of benefit.

Stable tumors requiring adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapy.

Assessment of toxicities related to cancer treatment.

Palliative care with survival benefit.


Patients in stable condition in which the delay of their attention during the pandemic or the intervention is not a priority depending on the magnitude of the benefit (no gain in survival, no change or reduction in quality of life) .

Second or third line therapies.

Routine visits

Palliative therapy with improvement in morbidity.

Adapted from Ontario Health Cancer Care Ontario and ESMO.

General recommendations for intervention


It was requested that after the simulation with the order of prioritization and recommendations, important recommendations be made for each malignancy. These have been elaborated, in order to provide specific recommendations, since they are based on the best available evidence and on consensus of recommendation of the members. The five most frequent neoplasms were chosen.

Breast cancer Prostate cancer Cervical cancer Lung cancer Lymphoma

Author's contribution: The authors participated in the genesis of the idea, project design, data collection and interpretation, analysis of results and preparation of the manuscript of the present research work.
Funding sources: Self-financed.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest in the publication of this article.
Received: May 27, 2020
Approved: June 5, 2020

Correspondence: Brady Beltrán Ortega Garate
Address: INICIB, Universidad Ricardo Palma. Av. Benavides 5440. Santiago de Surco. Lima - Perú
Telephone number: 999 539 061
E-mail: bgbrady@hotmail.com


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