Scientia <p>Journal of the Ricardo Palma University Research Center, guides and disseminates the main research results that are carried out in the social sciences, humanities and basic sciences. It is aimed at the academic and scientific public interested in the production and socialization of knowledge. It is annual.</p> es-ES (Pedro Jacinto Pazos) (Jofre Hidalgo Alvarez) Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Digital citizenship and discrimination in master of law programs in Cusco- Peru 2023 <p>The present research work is inherent to how to confront discrimination in Peru, particularly in the Cusco Region, from a regulatory proposal of the postgraduate units of two universities in Cusco. Given that even in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, manifestations of various forms of discrimination continue to be observed, such as: ethnic, linguistic, origin, social, economic, ideological, gender, among others. In this sense, the main objective of the work is to establish comparative criteria of mechanisms and use of digital citizenship to confront discrimination in the Law Master’s Program of the Andina University of Cusco and the San Antonio de Abad National University of Cusco. In Semester 2023-I, therefore, the methodology applied is a qualitative research approach with phenomenological design, assuming a population and census sample with intentionality. Finally, the comparison criteria were obtained: the subcategories of digital citizenship.</p> Úrsula Isabel Romani Miranda, Jorge Leoncio Rivera Muñoz Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Coping strategies and psychological well-being in adolescents of a private educational institution in Metropolitan Lima <p>The objective of the research was to establish the relationship of coping strategies to stress and the psychological well-being of adolescents from a Private Educational Institution. The research was basic, descriptive - correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional. It had a total of 134 adolescents belonging to the 4th and 5th year of high school, with ages ranging from 14 to 16 years. The Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) and the Adolescent Psychological Well-being Scale (Bieps-J) were produced as instruments. The results made it possible to show that adolescents have a good level (51.5%) of psychological well-being and that the coping strategies most frequently used are seeking relaxing entertainment (15.7%) and social action (25, 4 %). The research showed that almost all coping strategies focused on problem solving are directly related to the psychological well-being of adolescents.</p> Fidel Barrientos Gonzales Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Socio-economic situation and social mobility of students and families of the UNFV faculty of social sciences post-pandemic <p>The problem studied is the changes in the socioeconomic situation of families and their effects on the future prospects of social mobility of students. For this purpose, a probabilistic sampling survey was developed taking into account the universe of those enrolled in Semesters I and II of the 2022 academic year. The students answered the form and also carried out an in-depth interview with a selection of business households, considering that It is one of the most important sources of support for their families. The results of the research show that the families of this Faculty have expanded their membership in the low Socio-Economic Level (E and F) from 54.4% to 64.7; They have also decreased their membership as middle class (SES C) from 36% to 30.9%, and finally, their membership as high SES from 9.6% to 4.4%. Students therefore find themselves in a post-pandemic economic and social cycle of decline, however, their expectations remain ptimistic both when identifying the current SES, as well as what they will be able to obtain in the future as new professionals in 2030, whose social mobility expected level reaches more than 80% at levels A, B and C. This research finds that their high expectations of success in social advancement do not have barriers of ethnic-racial discrimination, but of factors such as corruption and educational quality. Also, they consider that their social mobility projects will depend on their professional performance and private entrepreneurship.</p> Dolores Raquel Tasayco Arana, Joel Díaz Roldan Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HENRIQUE URBANO(†) / JULIO CALVO PÉREZ (2023). Pablo Joseph de Arriaga, S. J: Extirpación de la idolatría del Pirú. (Edición actualizada). Pedro Jacinto Pazos Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Construcción y validación de una escala de conducta de bullying para estudiantes secundarios <p>Se comprende el bullying como comportamientos de hostigamiento y maltrato que ocurre en los entornos escolares. En este sentido, se llevó a cabo un estudio psicométrico para construir y validar un instrumento que permita evaluar el comportamiento de bullying. Se elaboraron y validaron 15 preguntas con la participación de jueces expertos, las cuales fueron aplicadas a una muestra de 215 alumnos de primero y segundo año de secundaria en colegios de Lima y Callao. Tras realizar el análisis de validación, discriminación y análisis factorial exploratorio, se seleccionaron 8 preguntas para formar la escala final, en las que se identificaron dos dimensiones de comportamiento de bullying que se denominaron “indirecto” y “directo”, que representan los diferentes comportamientos de los agresores en situaciones de bullying. Estas dimensiones se ratificaron con el análisis factorial confirmatorio. La escala mostró una alta confiabilidad, con un coeficiente de Omega de McDonald 0,842.</p> Héctor Hugo Sánchez Carlessi, Carlos Reyes Romero, Renzo Ricardo Palacios Gil Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Biotransformation of domestic plant waste into high nutritional value silage for farm animals <p>The study focuses on the use of husks of plant origin for the production of silage for livestock. Four vegetable peels stand out: cassava, potato, passion fruit, and banana, each with beneficial properties for fattening and optimal growth of animals. Traditional silage methods, which involve machinery and emit polluting gases, contrast with the proposal to use domestic plant waste, thus reducing the carbon footprint. In addition to improving livestock food security, this approach provides additional income to households, enhancing quality of life. The study collected vegetable peels and established four treatments (T1, T2, T3, and T4). Physicochemical parameters were measured throughout the ensiling process, demonstrating that lactic acid was produced in all treatments since the initial pH 6.5 decreased to 5.5 in the first week and 4.5 in the second week. Likewise, it was shown that treatments T1 and T2, composed of cassava and potato peels, maintained their integrity regarding texture, color, and smell because they contained less water content and a more significant amount of fiber.</p> Mauro Quiñones Aguilar, Sol Zeballos, Vivian Molina Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computer vision algorithms and diffuse inference in Matlab app designer for probable diagnosis of melanomas <p>This article describes the procedure for implementing a graphical user interface using the App Designer development environment and the Signal Processing Toolbox of Matlab software, to reinforce the teaching of analysis in the domain of time and frequency of periodic and typical signals used in the subject Digital Signal Processing, which belongs to the Electronic Engineering Program of the Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru. Likewise, said interface was developed using various components such as DropDown, Button, Knob, Axes, Slider, among others, which allowed the choice of the type of signal from a list, choice of the sampling frequency and the percentage of overlap as well as the size of the window to segment the temporary signal, and in the same way the temporal, frequency and temporal graphic representation- frequency. In this way, the source code of the implementation of the graphical interface is shared with the students in order to reinforce the teaching process during the classes taught in the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, allowing them to interact directly with the graphical interface and manipulate it with the interest of changing the number and type of signals or updating the parameters of digitization and frequency analysis. Finally, four simulation results are presented that correspond to the choice of different periodic signals, with or without noise and DC signal, as well as different sampling frequencies and percentage of overlap.</p> Alfonso Sebastián Quispe Pérez, Vela Gamboa Vela Gamboa, Pedro Freddy Huamaní Navarrete Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Estudio de mejora significativas en el rendimiento académico en universitarios usando la app Profeplus <p>This article presents a study on the academic performance of two groups of university students. One group used the ProfePlus mobile application, while the other group followed traditional teaching methods without the application. The objective was to investigate the impact of the application on academic performance. The results showed that the group using the application had significantly better performance. Statistical methods, such as the Student’s t-test and the Mann-Whitney test, were employed to analyze the data. Exam grades, average scores, and pass rates were higher in the experimental group. These findings indicate that the ProfePlus mobile application had a positive impact on the academic performance of university students.</p> Joel Mendoza Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Compatibility of bioplaguicides clibadium sylvestre and trichoderma harzianum as an alternative in ecological control of plage <p>Clibadium sylvestre is a plant that in some areas of the Amazon is used in artisanal fishing. Trichoderma harzianum is a biocontroller of fungi and phytopathogenic nematodes. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the ethanolic extract of C. sylvestre seeds on the growth of T. harzianum to determine the compatibility between both biopesticides. The seeds were obtained from C. sylvestre from the department of San Martín, Peru, dried at 40°C for 48 h of exposure, pulverized, and subjected to extraction with 70% ethanol, and finally the product obtained was decanted and filtered. The bioassays with T. harzianum were carried out on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) with the ethanolic extract of C. sylvestre at 125 to 1000 mg•L-1. T. harzianum mycelium was seeded in the central part of each Petri dish with SDA, incubated at room temperature, measuring the diameter of the colony every 12 h. The parameters evaluated in T. harzianum were colony diameter (mm) up to 84 h and growth speed (mm•h-1) up to 100 mm in diameter. The colony diameter and growth speed were different from the control, indicating that the ethanolic extract of C. sylvestre acts as an inhibitor of T. harzianum. It is concluded that both biopesticides are not compatible to be used together in ecological pest management.</p> José Azabache, José Iannacone Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Academic self-efficacy and brakers: transactional analysis in students of a private university in Lima <p>The research was carried out in the post-Covid 19 phase of the epidemic, after more than two years of virtual higher education. The relationship between academic self-efficacy and emotional and intellectual brakers according to the Transactional Analysis was studied on an intentional sample of 107 students from a private university in Lima, of different professional careers and sexes. The instruments were applied after the informed consent was obtained according to the Helsinki declaration. The Scale of the Expectation of Perceived Academic Self-efficacy EAPESA of Palenzuela was applied and the Questionnaire of Negative Parental Behaviors of Kertész and Tapia of CONANTAL was also used. When interaction indexes between academic self-efficacy and the related to brakes in the emotional and intellectual areas were calculated, non-significant correlations were found. A significant relationship was found between emotional and intellectual brakes in Transactional Analysis.</p> Natividad Espíritu Salinas, José Antonio Canales Sierralta, William Torres Acuña, Marco Antonio Villalta Paucar Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peruvian curanderism, women and culture: a current vision from health anthropology <p>Female participation in the field of Curanderism has been a space that transcends the single contemporary reality of this tradition. Over the years, peruvian curanderism has received numerous religious, cultural, and practical influences from various regions of the world. In Peru, female curanderism has represented a health response option in the absence or lack of conventional medical services. This study has been carried out based on the life history of nine healers from different areas of Peru, considering female participation, inclusion and the gender gap in Peruvian curanderism and The analysis presents information that covers the issue of gender, such as the acceptance and healing obtaining of female prestige within curanderism and the inclusion of technological strategies in the curanderism practice.</p> Ananías Máximo Huamán Talavera Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The structural nature of underdevelopment in Peru <p>Peru remains an underdeveloped country, although in recent decades<br>the real Gross Domestic Product has increased substantially. The country<br>cannot develop if the structural conditions of underdevelopment have not<br>been eliminated. One of the main reasons for Peru’s underdevelopment is<br>the country’s role in the globalized capitalist world as a provider of natural resources for economic development in the global north. This role is not the<br>consequence of their possession of abundant raw materials necessary for<br>capitalist development in this area, but rather the historical result of having<br>their own (capitalist) development disrupted by colonial exploitation and<br>oppression. The current economic development model is closely related<br>to Peru’s role in the international division of labor. The country’s economic<br>and business structures are, in part, internal expressions of the country’s<br>function in the globalized capitalist world. These economic and business<br>structures do not allow economic progress and make current economic<br>development unsustainable. The Peruvian State is a dependent capitalist<br>state, which has the general characteristics of the capitalist state and the<br>characteristics that are a product of the country’s role in the capitalist world<br>system and the dependent nature of its economy. The main function of<br>the dependent capitalist state is to reproduce the basic conditions for the<br>functioning of the dependent national capitalist system.</p> Jan Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Private and public educational institutions in their preparation for admission to the UNMSM <p>The present work is the summary of the research carried out at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, where the objective was to determine the impact of the educational institution of origin; individual or state, in the performance for the admission exam, for which an instrument composed of three sections was developed: short questions, measurement scale type questions and the semi-structured interview. The instrument was applied, through 148 entrants to the National University of San Marcos in the period 2023 - II, the selection of the participants was through non-probabilistic free-hand sampling; Among the main findings, it was determined that there is a significant impact on those entering the UNMSM; Private educational institutions have a significant impact on the academic development of students, while state educational institutions have a privilege in soft skills and emotional intelligence; Therefore, these last new students are better prepared to face situations of stress, pressure or where persistence is needed.</p> Jaziel Martin Blanco Obregón, Edgar Froilan Damian Núñez Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Female work and virtuality in a pandemic in Metropolitan Lima <p>The COVID 19 pandemic made visible the structural problems of our society, one of the main ones being the precarious conditions of women’s work, in this sense, the article analyzes the access and use of women from the popular sectors to virtuality to carry out their work activities and communicate with their environment. The study population is made up of 173 working women from 18 to 55 years of age, dependent and independent from the popular sectors of Metropolitan Lima; to capture information on their sociodemographic characteristics, the type of paid and unpaid work, access and use of the Internet, the type of work carried out, and work communication. The information was statistically analyzed using the SPSS. The results indicate that the majority of working women had an Internet connection at home, the cell phone was the most used technological device for work, family and amical communication. Most of the working women are dependent (59.5%), however, there is a significant percentage of independent (40.5%); both worked mainly face-to-face, thus evidencing the high risk of contagion to which working women and their families were exposed.</p> Marcela Benites Medina, Martha Luque Velarde, Lilly del Pilar Palomino Paz Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of social inequalities in Peru. An introduction <p>The article presents an approach to the major trends of social inequality in<br>Peru. Latin America is the most polarized region in the world. The country is<br>immersed in an intense process of reclassification of the population, being<br>configured with the ethnic-racial permanence imposed by the colony and<br>the disparities of neoliberal globalization, to reproduce an interdefined pat-<br>tern of classes, racialization and gender that outline the greatest inequalities<br>from the country.</p> Julio Mejía Navarrete Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Presentación <p>Solamente quiero indicar las breves imagenes históricas que nos llevan a mirar un pueblo, hoy día, en plena guerra o en conflicto, donde los espacios parecen hacernos sentir, una historia y una ficción que en realidad, de ésta última no tiene nada. Es la ciudad, o sus pueblos donde se encontraba hasta bien entrado los inicios del siglo veinte, un panorama de pasividad, de tranquilidad y hasta de solidaridad con los ciudadanos del mundo, que de alguna manera visitaban estos lares. Palestina, en realidad Gaza, era de esos pueblos que con, su gente, su religión y su cultura formaban parte de una idiosincracia donde la civilización no llegaba a la muerte en la que la vemos envuelto hoy en día. Los ojos del mundo siguen de cerca como se destruye la vida, la sociedad y la cultura. No es una cuestión de mundos religiosos en conflicto, es la vida, el ser humano desde sus ámbitos de supervivencia los que hacen que el mundo, ya no mire la civilización como parte de los seres humanos en convivencia, sino como seres que llevan tras de sí las grandes miserias desde el lado opuesto que la naturaleza les ha creado. Los animales no humanos desde los primates hasta las sociedades de las hormigas, han hecho su supervivencia a su manera y, lo siguen resistiendo con las formas de vida que la misma naturaleza les provee. El ser humano no. Ha hecho de su modo de vida, una cultura de la muerte. Ha naturalizado la muerte desde el exterminio. Pero no porque la muerte nos gane, sino porque la materia fetichista sobre la cual nos formamos y sobrevivimos, implica ser parte de ese sistema y de esa infrahumanidad que solo observa la naturaleza y la vida como parte de la expoliación a la que se puede someter el mundo y su humanidad: el poder del capital.</p> pedro Pazo Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The urban image and quality of life of the people from the district of Lurín <p>Lurin is one of the receiving areas of the urban expansion of Metropolitan Lima with protected natural areas, archaeological heritage of long tradition and important for Lima and Peru, with tourist circuits, whose territorial wealth is also constituted by the southern coastal strip of Lima, providing by its location and extension, richness of flora and fauna of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The objective of the research is to analyze the urban image and through this, the effect on the quality of life of the inhabitants of Lurin, The methodology is non-experimental design basic type, explanatory level. Results. The analysis of the surveys allows us to verify the lack of knowledge of the population on aspects related to the importance of the image of their area of residence and its impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants. Conclusions. The lack of planning is an important factor for an urban image integrated by elements such as identity, formal diversity, visual alternatives, orientation, clarity in access and circulation, affecting the quality of the urban image, which is deteriorating. The urban image plays an important role, because through it, mental, visual and objective integration of the city or space is generated, because when all the elements that integrate it are clearly configured, it can affect the comfort and in general the welfare of people, due to deficient basic services, mainly water, sewage, environmental quality, as well as economic and cultural factors.</p> Oswaldo Velásquez Hidalgo, Guisela Yábar Torres, Manuel Villena Mavila, Juan Carlos Gómez Ávalos, Luis Alberto Chirinos Rueda Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Territory, architecture and landscape in the Huarco-Inca societies, Lower Cañete Valley <p>From the field work carried out in the lower valley of Cañete, with special attention to the settlements of greatest architectural relevance belonging to the Huarco manor and reused by the Inca societies in the expansion of the Tawantinsuyu, the planning criteria used for the location, location, spatial distribution, design and construction, with the corresponding transformations of the territory, which implies an awareness of vital needs and forms of subsistence, as well as a deep knowledge of local ecological cycles. The sites of Cerro Azul, Cerro de Oro, Canchari and Ungara stand out, on which their main characteristics are presented, relevant in terms of the articulation with the particular territories and their correlation with the environmental conditions and the cyclicity of astronomical phenomena. With this accumulation of social experiences, architecture becomes social memory, and many of its spaces and the logic of their organization have deep contents of rituality, sacredness and symbolism, supported by Andean cosmologies.</p> Miguel Guzmán Juárez Copyright (c) 2024 Scientia Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000