The Monument to Micaela Bastidas (1967-1969), a symbol of the vindication of the rights woman during the Agrarian Reform


  • Omar Esquivel Ortiz Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Micaela Bastidas, Maruja Roqué Barriach, Artemio Ocaña, public sculpture, Municipality of Lima


The Monument to Micaela Bastidas (Monumento a Micaela Bastidas), despite its peripheral location
within Cercado de Lima district, is currently part of the public sculpture works. It was a strictly municipal project, developed during the first Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces (1968-1975), a period of ideolo-gical exaltation, where the image of Túpac Amaru II was adopted as a symbol of national vindication and the image of Micaela Bastidas was reduced to a heroine mother, with no known face. Therefore, in this article we will review the discursive rediscovery María Roqué Barriach projected in the monument of the heroine, as a symbolic instrument of female struggle and freedom. She sought to project this, from her position as the only female councilor of the municipality of Lima, representative of the National Liberation Front.


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Author Biography

Omar Esquivel Ortiz, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciado en Arte (2015) y Magíster en Arte Peruano y Latinoamericano (2019) en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Desde 2012 es investigador y curador de planta en el Instituto Seminario de Historia Rural Andina de la misma universidad. Sus temas de investigación se especializan en la historia del arte peruano virreinal (grabado y pintura) y republicano (escultura pública). Ha publicado los siguientes libros: Un retrato de Bolívar. Estudio introductorio a la obra del pintor afroperuano Pablo Roxas (2015, 2020), La fontana de Tacna. Origen y recuperación de un monumento nacional (2019), Censo Cívico. El documento (2019), Censo Cívico. Alcaldes, Comisarios e Inspectores de Barrio (1769–1826) (2019), Marcelo Cabello (1773-1842). Maestro grabador limeño, además de artículos sobre arte virreinal (2018, 2019), arte de siglo XX (2011, 2013, 2015) e historia electoral (2017).



How to Cite

Esquivel Ortiz, O. (2020). The Monument to Micaela Bastidas (1967-1969), a symbol of the vindication of the rights woman during the Agrarian Reform. YUYAYKUSUN, 1(10), 67–95.



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