Epistemological divergences in the approach of the theoretical framework in university theses


  • Paul Munguía Becerra Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Communication, academic field, epistemology, interdisciplinary approach, dissertation, higher scientific education


This paper proposes a meta-research of the Social Communication theses of a public university. Its main
objective is to analyze the epistemological foundations of the theoretical framework and its methodological
approach in social communication theses. It sets as its specific objectives: a) to identify trends in the
methodological characteristics of the theses and b) to examine the distinctive features of the formulation
of the theoretical framework of the theses. The research is exploratory-descriptive, non-experimental, empirical, and quantitative, and it uses the technique of content analysis. The results show the frequencies of
eleven categories of analysis. The study reveals a significant epistemological divergence with researches that
do not have theoretical framework. Similarly, when the content of the theses is reviewed, 50% of them carry out a thematic content, which is not supported by a paradigm or a communication approach. This, in spite of the fact that 70% of the theses include textbooks of theories in the bibliography.


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Author Biography

Paul Munguía Becerra, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Comunicador Social, Magíster en Sociología con mención en Ciencia Política, Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Tesista del Doctorado de Filosofía de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, UNMSM. Autor de las investigaciones: Consumo de medios de comunicación y la construcción de la imagen de los partidos políticos en jóvenes universitarios (2006) y Análisis del discurso ideológico en los planes de gobierno de las elecciones generales del Perú 2011 (2018



How to Cite

Munguía Becerra, P. (2020). Epistemological divergences in the approach of the theoretical framework in university theses. YUYAYKUSUN, 1(10), 143–161. https://doi.org/10.31381/yuyaykusun.v1i10.3560



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