Villa de Pasco and the feat of libertarian sentiment 1812-1822


  • Santos S. Blanco Muñoz Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión


This article analyzes the historical relevance of Villa de Pasco in the fight for the independence of Peru, highlighting its strategic role and the work of patriots such as María Valdizán, Fray Mariano Aspiazu, Mariano Cárdenas and others. The study is based on the Documentary Collection of the Independence of Peru and commemorative texts of the Bicentennial, and addresses patriotic actions between 1811 and 1822. Villa de Pasco, older than Cerro de Pasco, was essential as a base for colonial mining exploitation and a focus of patriotic organization, which worked in coordination with movements in Huánuco and other areas of the center of the country. The battle of Pasco (1820) marked a key point, as it showed the weakness of the viceroyalty and united various social classes in a revolutionary movement. This work highlights the contribution of Valdizán as a notable figure in this feat.


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How to Cite

Blanco Muñoz, S. S. . (2024). Villa de Pasco and the feat of libertarian sentiment 1812-1822. YUYAYKUSUN, (14). Retrieved from



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