First steps using FPGA technology


  • Pedro Selencio Landaeta Herrera Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Aragua “Federico Brito Figueroa”, Venezuela


Palabras clave:

FPGA, VHDL, software, logic, technology


  Este es un proyecto básico, a futuro vienen proyectos donde se trabaje con lógica secuencial y con otras herramientas como el software ISPLever de la empresa de Semiconductores LATTICE, que permite, usando solamente software, desarrollar proyectos de FPGA. Es decir, esta investigación sirve como base para proyectos de mayor envergadura

Background: This research has as main objective to show in a general way the FPGA technology, Field Programmable Gate Array – Arrangement of programmable Gates on the Chip. We will talk here about its architecture, manufacturing companies, description of a simple circuit using VHDL, Very High Speed Hardware Description Language, Quartus II Software and the INTEL Cyclone II card. Method: A simple combinational logic circuit was used to carry out the simulation with the Quartus II software. Leaving everything clearly indicated to carry out larger projects. Results: The results of the study show that the graphs obtained as a response of the circuit studied were as expected, and also that the properties of the software under study could be verified. Conclusions: The general characteristics of the FPGA technology were studied. The basic functions of the Quartus II software were known to execute a project in all its phases.

    This is a basic project. In the future there are projects that work with sequential logic and with other tools such as the ISPLever software from the LATTICE Semiconductor company, which allows, using only software, to develop FPGA projects. In other words, this research serves as the basis for larger-scale projects.


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Biografía del autor/a

Pedro Selencio Landaeta Herrera, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Aragua “Federico Brito Figueroa”, Venezuela

Profesor jubilado de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Aragua (UPTA) “FBF”. Venezuela. Profesor perteneciente al departamento de Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones.

Jefe del departamento de Investigación en la sede de Maracay.

Especialista Ingeniero en Electrónica UPTA-FBF

Actualmente soy investigador independiente ya que estoy en condición de Jubilado con 25 años de servicio.

Asistí a congresos científicos nacionales e internacionales, fui seleccionado para optar al premio Nacional de Ciencia con mi investigación de sistemas inalámbricos.


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Cómo citar

Landaeta Herrera, P. S. (2024). First steps using FPGA technology . Perfiles De Ingeniería, 20(21), 136–149.