A rereading of Semblanzas (satire and politics of Ricardo Palma)


  • Wilfredo Kapsoli Escudero Universidad Ricardo Palma




Tradición, Semblanzas, epigrama, sátira, diputado.


Ricardo Palma is the creator of the literary genre known as Las Tradiciones, which are short stories with the purpose of spreading a Smiling History of Peru from the world of the Incas to the republican society. Although he did not develop it extensively, he has also left us satirical epigrams dedicated to parliamentarians and government authorities of the country. In fact, the importance of this creation was made known by our teacher Alberto Tauro del Pino with a prologue to this literary creation, which we support with a new reading of the paper mentioned.

Keywords: Tradition, portraits, epigram, satire, deputy.


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Author Biography

Wilfredo Kapsoli Escudero, Universidad Ricardo Palma

Doctor en Letras (Historia) por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Posee estudios de posgrado en la Escuela Práctica de Altos Estudios de París. Ha sido becado por la Comunidad Científica Japonesa a la Universidad Nanzan de Nagoya.



How to Cite

Kapsoli Escudero, W. (2023). A rereading of Semblanzas (satire and politics of Ricardo Palma). Aula Palma, 20(20), 249–264. https://doi.org/10.31381/ap.v20i20.4456



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