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Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Biotempo Early view
					View Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Biotempo Early view

The Scientific Journal Biotempo ISSN: 1992-2159 (Printed); ISSN: 2519-5697 (Electronic) is a bi-annual printed and electronic publication; submitted to external arbitration and is the Official Publication of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Ricardo Palma University (FCB-URP). The Journal publishes bimonthly continuously in PDF format for two periods January - June, and July - December. Biotempo magazine aims to publish scientific output in all aspects of biological, health, and environmental science research. Contains the following sections: Editorial, Letters to the Editor, Original Article, Review Article, Commentary, Scientific Note, and Obituary. Contributions from research can be presented in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, peer-reviewed (double-blind), mainly from basic and applied research on biological issues with a special interest in presenting results on Neotropic issues. Biotempo has a Scientific and Editorial Committee made up of researchers with recognized international experience in their specialty areas. The content of the Journal is aimed at specialists and researchers and constitutes a space for academic and scientific discussion. Articles submitted must be original and unpublished and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal. The editorial process will be developed in several phases, a preliminary evaluation by the editorial committee and then external academic peers, whose decision will define whether or not to accept the publication. The Biotempo Journal requires authors to assign ownership of their copyrights so that their article is reproduced, published, and publicly transmitted in any form or medium for exclusively scientific and non-profit purposes. The information contained in the Journal is the sole responsibility of the authors who provide it and does not compromise the position of FCB-URP or the editors.

Published: 2024-08-13

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