Acoustic screens as a solution To noise pollution in the Benavides stop




Acoustic screens, noise pollution, antinoise barriers


In Peru it is not common to use noise barriers as a technology to reduce excess noise pollution in different parts of the country. For this reason, the objective of this research is to propose the use of acoustic screens as a measure to reduce noise pollution in the Benavides whereabouts.

The screens can be made of concrete, metal, wood and vegetable being the most commercial and with the highest rate of reduction of decibels. The research is descriptive based on data collection and interpretation of the same in order to compare the different typologies of acoustic screens and analyze their feasibility of use compared to similar projects in which this novel technology has been used.

It is important to note that noise barriers are a widely used technology in Europe. However, at the national level and throughout South America it has not yet been implemented. Even Peru does not have a regulation that indicates its use and design to use it in projects. This limits to make use of this solution. However, it could be implemented due to the good results obtained.


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How to Cite

Iñigo Pozo, Y., Romero Santos, L., & Vargas Chang, E. (2021). Acoustic screens as a solution To noise pollution in the Benavides stop. Engineering Profiles, 17(17).



Ingeniería Civil