Earthquake resistant behavior in buildings with theimplementation of the metal structural system of rigidperimetergrid




seismic analysis, Diagrid structural system, dynamic analysis, seismic behavior


The research is focused on the study of the seismic behavior of two   structural   systems:   the   metallic system   of   rigid perimeter grid  and  existing  conventional systems  in  our environment, specifically in land located in seismic zones "4"  such  as Metropolitan  Lima.  The territorial delimitation is the greater seismic risk to which the buildings are subjected in    comparison to   other   regions   where no   telluric movements  of  great importance  have  been  registered. By simulating  the  buildings  in the  worst  scenarios  of  structural impact, we  will  be  able  to  get more  efficient and  realistic results in relation to their real structural behavior. The rigid grid  steel  system  structures were analyzed  according  to the number  of  storeys  and  the inclination angle of each grid, likewise, based on the technical specifications and requirements provided  by  the  “Norma  Técnica  Peruana E.30: Diseño Sismorresistente”, we proceed to model each structure using a engineering software   and   in   this   way,   through   the obtention  of  the  results,  we  will  be  able to  quantify  the seismic behavior  of  the  buildings.  Furthermore, it can be verified that opting to use the steel structural system does not imply exorbitant overhead charges in comparison to any conventional system.


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How to Cite

Huerta de la Cruz, N. ., Mayhuire Zuñiga, E. ., & Vargas Chang, E. . (2023). Earthquake resistant behavior in buildings with theimplementation of the metal structural system of rigidperimetergrid. Engineering Profiles, 19(19), 55–66.