Toxic megacolon. Case report

Megacolon tóxico: a propósito de un caso


  • Roger Sernaque Mechato Hospital Santa Rosa. Lima Perú. Universidad Continental
  • Stephanie Tahnne Castillo Arias Hospital Santa Rosa. Lima Perú
  • Silvana Ñaupari Jara Hospital Santa Rosa. Lima Perú
  • Flor Milagros Mendoza Barreto Hospital Santa Rosa. Lima Perú



Toxic megacolon, ulcerative colitis, clostridium difficile, shock


Toxic megacolon is a fatal disease, most commonly occurring as a complication of inflammatory bowel disease, infections, and intestinal ischemia. It is characterized by the presence of bloody diarrhea, abdominal distension, signs of systemic toxicity, and segmental colonic dilation is observed in imaging studies. The diagnosis according to Jalan's criteria are: colonic dilation more than 6cm, three of the following: fever, tachycardia, leukocytosis or anemia, and any of the following criteria: hypotension, hypovolemia, electrolyte disorder and altered mental status. This article presents the case of a female patient who was admitted with abdominal pain and chronic diarrhea with an imaging study showing dilation of the entire colonic framework. The corresponding studies were carried out which indicated that she had a toxic megacolon due to colitis. ulcerative, receives medical treatment with favorable evolution, is discharged and readmitted for septic shock, studies are performed and Clostridium difficile infection is identified, antibiotic treatment is started but the evolution is unfavorable, which caused the death of the patient. The present case represents the high mortality of this disease.


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Author Biographies

Roger Sernaque Mechato, Hospital Santa Rosa. Lima Perú. Universidad Continental

Médico internista

Jefe del departamento de Medicina

Stephanie Tahnne Castillo Arias, Hospital Santa Rosa. Lima Perú

Médico gastroenterólogo


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How to Cite

Sernaque Mechato, R. ., Castillo Arias, S. T. ., Ñaupari Jara, S. ., & Mendoza Barreto, F. M. . (2024). Toxic megacolon. Case report: Megacolon tóxico: a propósito de un caso. Revista De La Facultad De Medicina Humana, 24(1).