
Instructions to Authors

The Scientific Journal Biotempo ISSN: 1992-2159 (Impereso); ISSN: 2519-5697 (Electronic) is a bi-annual printed and electronic publication; submitted to external arbitration and is the Official publication of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Ricardo Palma University (FCB-URP). The Journal publishes bimonthly continuously in PDF format in two periods January - June and July - December. Biotempo magazine aims to publish scientific output in all aspects of biological, health and environmental science research. Contains the following sections: Editorial, Letters to the Editor, Original Article, Review Article, Commentary, Scientific Note, and Obituary. Contributions from research can be presented in Spanish, Portuguese and English, peer-reviewed (double blind), mainly from basic and applied research on biological issues with special interest in presenting results on Neotropic issues. Biotempo has a Scientific and Editorial Committee made up of researchers with recognized international experience in their specialty areas. The content of the Journal is aimed at specialists and researchers and constitutes a space for academic and scientific discussion. Articles submitted must be original and unpublished and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal. The editorial process will be developed in several phases, a preliminary evaluation by the editorial committee and then external academic peers, whose decision will define whether or not to accept the publication. The Biotempo Journal requires authors to assign ownership of their copyrights, so that their article is reproduced, published and publicly transmitted in any form or medium for exclusively scientific and non-profit purposes. The information contained in the Journal is the sole responsibility of the authors who provide it and does not compromise the position of FCB-URP or the editors.

Language. Manuscripts are accepted in Spanish, English or Portuguese, however, the title, abstract and key words must always be submitted in English and Spanish. In case the article is written in Portuguese, title, abstract and keywords must appear in the three languages. As a strategy to increase the dissemination and visibility of the results, it is suggested to present the manuscripts in English. Authors for whom English is their second language recommend that their manuscript be professionally edited before submission.


Types of Articles

Biotempo publishes the following sections:

Editorial. Written only by Biotempo editor or editorial team, and by invitation.

Letters to the editor. Written in the form of a letter, it critically analyzes the articles published in Biotempo. It has a maximum length of three pages.

Original article. They are original and unpublished works that can be repeated or generalized and contribute new knowledge to the field of Biological Sciences. They have a maximum length of 30 pages.

Review article. Updates a topic of national, Latin American or world interest based on the review of the most relevant information. It is written by renowned researchers at the invitation of the editorial committee. Manuscripts must have a maximum of 40 pages, exceptionally they can be longer. Articles should be organized in introduction, body (subtitles) and conclusions.

Scientific note. Communicates results of small studies, case findings, or preliminary results of complex studies that provide new insights or hypotheses for future studies. The maximum length is eight pages.

Obituary. It highlights the contribution of researchers to Biological Sciences, mainly from Latin America, recently deceased. It will be no more than four pages long and will be written without subtitles. These will be written at the invitation of the editorial committee.


Structure of Articles:

Title. Clear, descriptive and short. If the manuscript is written in Spanish or Portuguese, it must include a title in English and vice versa. In the case of new or little-known species or genera, indicate the order to which they belong. Never use acronyms or acronyms.

Author. Indicate the first name, paternal and maternal surname, separated by semicolons if they were several. Avoid mentioning academic degrees or titles. Indicate with an Arabic number the complete institutional affiliation and the financing with another call. Also, include the name, postal address, and email of the author responsible for the correspondence.

Abstract “Resumen”. Unstructured and in a single paragraph. You must indicate the reason for the study, the objective or hypothesis, the study subjects, the procedures, techniques or methods, the most relevant results and conclusions. The abstract should not be more than 400 words.

Abstract: with the same structure as the abstract “Resumen” and must be a technical translation of the abstract into the English language. Letters to the editor and obituary have no summary.

Keywords. In an original article and in a topic review, include a maximum of six keywords in Spanish and English, which must be a faithful translation (Keywords). In the scientific notes, four key words for indexing according to the descriptors of the area. Specific or disciplinary thesauri will be used according to the content of the manuscript topic and not included in the title of the work. To find accepted thesauri or keywords, it is recommended to consult the United States National Library of Medicine, The CAB thesaures, Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS), National Agricultural Library (USDA), Thesaurus for Animal Biology (IEDCYT), AGROVOC ( AIMS) or related.

Introduction. Short and clear, mention the reason for the work, define the problem, show your current situation with the most relevant published works (not extensive bibliography reviews). Finally, clearly define the objectives or state the hypothesis.

Material and methods. Adequately describe the sample or population studied, the selection methods, indicate the methods or procedures used to answer the research question or hypothesis, detail the techniques only if they are new in a logical and concrete way. Include the deposit number of the specimens in recognized collections in the country or abroad. Scientific names must be written according to zoological, botanical or microbial nomenclature. If the scientific name is written for the first time in the text, the full name of the genus and the species must be indicated, followed by the author of the description separated by a comma and the year, in the rest of the text the initial must be written of the genus and the full name of the species. The units of measurement will be written according to the International System of Units, that is, write the symbols for the units and without a period. For example cm to refer to the centimeter, kg to refer to the kilogram, etc. Use the comma instead of the period for decimal fractions. Example: 15.40. Trade names must be accompanied by ®. The procedures, if modified, must include the details of the modification.

Consider ethical aspects related to humans, animals, micro-organisms or plants in justified cases.

Example of ethical approval statement: This study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations of (insert name of guide followed). The protocol was approved by the Institution's Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (Permit number: 27-2956). Every effort has been made to minimize suffering during slaughter of individuals through (description of procedures performed).

Results. Objectively present the results obtained through tables, figures or descriptions without commenting. Statistical analyzes should be according to the type of data collected, indicate the final values, the confidence interval and the method used. The same result must not be presented in a table and it appears at the same time. Choose a single form of presentation, not to exceed 8 tables or figures. The legends of the tables or figures including the symbols, arrows, letters, etc., must have the legend title.

Tables. To present the statistical results in an orderly manner, close only with horizontal lines. Correlatively number in Arabic according to the text, at the top include a clear and precise title.

Figures. All illustrations will be abbreviated in the text as Fig. And in captions as figure to refer to high-quality graphics, photographs, drawings and maps. The figures must have scale, if they were maps they must include an orientation symbol. Computer designed graphics must be delivered recorded in MS - Excel or in the original file, digital photos, photographs or microphotographs must have resolutions greater than 500 dpi in TIFF or JPG format. Color figures will be accepted when essential, the costs will be assumed by the authors. Correlative numbering in Arabic according to the text, at the bottom include a clear and precise title.

Discussion. It can go along with the results. It is the comparison of the results found with the results of the published studies on the research motive, the findings are explained and new hypotheses are proposed. Finally, the conclusions that must be related to the objectives of the study, avoid categorical conclusions or conclusions that have no basis in the data presented.

Acknowledgment. It is optional if necessary, to acknowledge the logistical support of a person who reviewed the newsroom or the people who collected the data in the field or delivered the material for identification or the funding received. Mention the sources of funding for the research projects and / or supports received to carry out the study (scholarships, equipment, items, etc.). Those who have provided intellectual support to the work but whose contributions do not justify authorship can be named and the contribution made will be described, for example, "scientific advice", "critical review of the research project", "data collection "

Bibliographic references. The most relevant and current bibliographic references will be cited according to the APA style (American Psychological Association) (author and year) in alphabetical order. Footer will not be used to refer to an author. In the text, any of the forms may be used (Quispe, 2016) or Quispe (2016), if they were two authors (Torres & Quispe, 2016), if there are more than three authors (Quispe et al., 1998). If there is an author who has several works in the same year, you must identify them with a letter after the year. Abstracts presented at conferences, personal communications will not be accepted, unless it is very important information and by exception. Only the works that have been cited in the text will appear in strict alphabetical order.

Before sending the manuscript online, please check that all the citations that appear in the text agree with those presented in this section and that they are correctly written throughout the manuscript.




Bush, A.O.; Aho, J.M. & Kennedy, C.R. 1990. Ecological versus phylogenetic determinants of helminth parasite community richness. Evolutionary Ecology, 4: 1-20.

Electronic article in a journal:

Marcos, L.A .; Lozano, D .; Calvo, G .; Romani, L. & Terashima, A. 2007. Strongyloides stercoralis associated with nephritic syndrome in a child with intestinal neuronal dysplasia. Neotropical Helminthology, 1, accessed December 30, 2008, <>

Books and other printed monographs:

Holdridge, L.R. 1967. Ecology based on Life Zones (1st ed). San Jose Costa Rica. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

Di Fiore, A. & Campbell, C.J. 2007. The atelines: Variation in ecology, behavior, and social organization. In: Primates in Perspective. Campbell, C.J.; Fuentes, A.; MacKinnon, K.C .; Panger, M. & Beader, S.K. (eds.). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 155-185.


Symington, M.M. 1987. Ecological and social correlates of party size in the black spider monkey Ateles paniscus chamek. Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton, New Jersey.

Monographs on the Internet:

IUCN. 2008. Red list of threatened species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Switzerland, accessed June 30, 2019, <www.>


FAO. 2003. Taenia solium: a common parasite affecting global health, CD ver 1.0. Animal Production and Health Division, Agriculture Department, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome.

Submission of manuscripts. Manuscripts written in Spanish, Portuguese or English are accepted. Articles in English must be reviewed by one or more English speakers to avoid rejection. The file of the article approved and reviewed by all authors will be sent electronically in MS-Word, written in Times Roman or Arial 12 double-spaced with 3 cm margins in size A – 4. Figures must also be attached in individual files. The language used must be clear and precise. Items that do not comply with the instructions will be returned if evaluated. The work must be written in impersonal style. The submission letter signed by all authors must always be attached in a file in pdf or JPG format that details the relevance of the research and the relevance of its publication in this journal, including the three potential reviewers, and that it has no conflict of interest. Shipping can be done throughout the year. The magazine accepts papers any time of the year. The authors must indicate in the letter that they accept that the partial or total content of the manuscript sent to Biotempo should never be submitted simultaneously to another journal, until the final decision of the editorial committee.

Conditions of acceptance. Manuscripts will be received with the understanding that all authors accept their publication. The results or ideas contained in the works must be original, that is, they must not have been published or sent simultaneously to another journal for publication. Both articles will be evaluated by at least 2 anonymous referees selected by the editorial committee.

Editorial process. Rejected works may be reconsidered only at the express invitation of the editor-in-chief. When the work has been reviewed, the manuscript with the opinions of the reviewers will be sent to the authors to make the pertinent modifications. If the corrected version is not returned within 3 months of receipt of the review, the work will be deemed to have been withdrawn for publication. The review of the electronic galley proof will be carried out with the sending of the files and will be done by email and the authors will also respond in the same way. The modification in this phase of more than 5% of the total length of the article has a cost that must be assumed by the author. The works should be directed for now, in electronic version, in the name of José Iannacone, editor-in-chief of Biotempo to the following electronic address:

Referees.The authors will propose at least three referees for the revision of the manuscript, for which they will send the full name, the institution of affiliation and the email address of the candidates. The final election of the arbitrators will be in charge of the Chief Editor.

Ethics. The Editorial Committee of the Biotempo Magazine is committed to high standards of ethics and good practices in the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, to guarantee rigor and scientific quality. When you find an ethical and moral flaw in a publication during the evaluation process or after its publication; Biotempo magazine will follow the protocol established by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE) (, which may include the rejection, the revocation of the manuscript, an expression of concern or the prohibition of publication of future articles by all authors in the Biotempo journal, notice to other journals in the specialty, as well as a message to the institution of the authors of the publication.

Separates. While the journal is published in electronic version, only the article file in pdf format will be sent to the author of the correspondence and no reprints will be delivered.

Information service

The biotempo journal is included in the journal portal of the Ricardo Palma University (URP). It is found in the Indexing and Database systems: OCLC WorldCat, Google Scholar and Latindex Catalog 2.0.

Access and Reuse Policies

The authors at the time of sending the article, must send by electronic means, the Assignment of Copyright (Format 1), Declaration of Originality (Format 2), Resume (Format 3), Declaration of Conflicts of Interest (Format 4) and Review List for submission of the article (Format 5). No article may be submitted for evaluation by peers without the submission of said formats.

The transfer of rights sent to the Journal will be understood to prevail over any general or particular transfer, and that the author is obliged to resolve the incompatibilities that are generated, if any.

Plagiarism detection

The Ricardo Palma University, within its institutional research policies, has acquired the license and has incorporated the use of the Turnitin software. In this context, the Biotempo journal determines the final similarity index with the use of the Turnitin software as an indicator of originality of the manuscripts sent to the journal to detect possible citation errors and to prevent possible plagiarism. (

The level of formal originality of the manuscript sent to the Biotempo journal is evidenced by the textual citations consulted, which should not exceed 25% of the total manuscript.

Use of Different Edition Formats and Interactivity Services with the Reader

The official Fanpage of the journal is used as discussion forums, as well as to facilitate interactivity with readers, authors and reviewers, the automatic alert service will be used after registering in the system each time a new issue of the journal is published.

Using statistics

The visits counter are shown on the main page through the widgets provided by and

Digital preservation policies

Biotempo journal digital files are stored in the system using digital object identifiers, called DOI.

 Editorial Policy Formats

1. Assignment of Copyright.
2. Declaration of Originality.
3. CV.
4. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest.
5. Review list for submission of the article.