Th e objective of this research was to estimate the canine population and describe its main demographic characteristics in
the district of Mirafl ores, Lima, Peru. It was developed through surveys as an instrument for data collection. Sampling
followed the guidelines designated in the Animal Population Characterization guide of the Pan American Foot-and-
Mouth Disease Center, which were intended for the residents of the district and should be distributed by surveyors who
were properly trained, and registered their signature at the end of the survey. Th e instrument used was validated by the
expert evaluation method, having as representatives of MINSA (Ministry of Health), DIGESA (General Directorate of
Environmental Health), and professors of the Ricardo Palma University (URP), Lima, Peru. For the estimation of the
dogs, the data of the population census of the INEI (National Institute of Statistics and Informatics), Lima, Peru, was
used. Th e survey was conducted between October and December 2016. It was seen that the percentage of households
with dogs was 53% and the average number of dogs per household of 1.25. Th e ratio of person: dog was 4.98: 1. Th e
estimate of dogs reached 17,081. Th e ratio of males and females was 1.06, determining 51.4% of the cases as males
and 48.6% females. 94.95% have a companion function. Th e birth rate was calculated at 19.1%, the general fertility at
52.7% and the average litter size was 3.04 off spring. Th e data presented are intended to favor the programs related to the
responsible possession of dogs as the basis for future studies.