Evaluation of leaks and passes in reboilers of a natural gas liquids fractionation plant


  • Carlos Sebastián Calvo


Tracer, injection, reboiler, leaks, passes, shell, tubes, thermal fluid.


In recent years, it has been developed various techniques based on the application
of tracers and radiation sources to solve problems operating facilities oil refining and
In this case, a series of determinations are reported with a series of experiences
radiotracers a fractionation plant natural gas liquid in Peru, for leaks / passes that
could exist in three reboilers different processing units.
The tracer technique for online detection was used, by using two radiotracer
depending on the phase to be investigated: oleic acid labeled with Iodine 131 asa radiotracer for the hydrocarbon phase and an aqueous solution of iodine 131 for
the aqueous phase, when necessary. A data acquisition system, a portable PC, and
detectors in proper positions were used. Recording values were synchronized as well
as ambient background, prior to each injection of radiotracer. Radiation counts were
recorded at intervals of 1 second, depending on each case.
Six determinations were conducted by six injection of radiotracer incorporated,
either in tubes or shell, as applicable.
We achieved detection limits leakage of 0.1 %, of one stream to another.


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How to Cite

Calvo, C. S. (2019). Evaluation of leaks and passes in reboilers of a natural gas liquids fractionation plant. Scientia, 20(20), 151–174. Retrieved from https://revistas.urp.edu.pe/index.php/Scientia/article/view/2215


