THE PLAGUE BETWEEN THE MEDITERRANEAN AND THE PACIFIC MOCHE. Of seas, ships and merchants. (By the way Covid 19)

De mares, navíos y mercaderes. (A propósito del Covid 19)


  • Pedro JACINTO PAZOS Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima, Perú.



Black plague, marine merchants, Mediterranean, Mochicas (Peru).


The assumption that we are trying to interpret is that the world in which we live is governed by parameters that nature determines and also conditions. Although, nature is the pantry of human survival, from its flora and fauna (and its seas), these can also be part of its extinction. And the plagues or pandemics in the world have proved. All viruses have been generated in animals or plants that man has not been able to handle
and, conversely, has manipulated and destroyed them. Human trust in animal life as part of its physiological conservation can also be reversed and can be exterminated. Furthermore, when it comes to hegemonic economic structures and, where the sense of inequality and conflict between man and nature and, between men themselves, remain unchanged. The marine merchants made their journey in the different seas and with it the capital, the shipwreck and the plagues. It is therefore a question of observing a parallel from the Black Death that happened in Europe in the fourteenth century and, what is described in northern Peruvian Mochica, at the beginning and middle of the twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Pedro JACINTO PAZOS, Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima, Perú.

Doctor en Antropología, Magister en Política Social, Licenciado y Bachiller en Antropología, por la UNMSM. Realizó sus Pasantías de Investigaciones en Antropología Urbana en el Instituto de Estudios  Latinoamericanos de la Freie Universität Berlin. (Alemania). Profesor de la Universidad Ricardo Palma. También profesor principal y director académico de la Escuela de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Sus últimas investigaciones y publicaciones las realiza sobre violencia, racismo y educación (URP / UNMSM, 2017 - 2019). Y, entre sus libros: (Coeditor). Waldemar Espinoza. Una mirada desde Cajamarca, (UNMSM, 2018). Micronegocios VS. Megamercados. Otros sentidos de identidad, distinción y consumo en los microempresarios de Lima Norte, (UNMSM, 2014) y, Pobreza extrema y exclusión socio-cultural en el Perú. (UNMSM, 2011). Entre una serie de artículos científicos publicados en libros y revistas especializadas.



How to Cite

JACINTO PAZOS, P. (2020). THE PLAGUE BETWEEN THE MEDITERRANEAN AND THE PACIFIC MOCHE. Of seas, ships and merchants. (By the way Covid 19): De mares, navíos y mercaderes. (A propósito del Covid 19). Scientia, 22(22), 19–31.


