Bioethics in the wood forestry harnessing and its impact on the fauna


  • Rodrigo Arce Rojas Universidad Ricardo Palma



Forest, forest management, wildlife, bioethics, biodevelopment, complexity


This article aims to reflect on the scopes of bioethics in the commercial wood exploitation from tropical natural forest concerning their impacts on wildlife. To this end, a bibliographic review is carried out and a reflection is made in the light of bioethics and bio development proposals. It has been found that in certified forestry operations that are carried out at low intensity, the impacts on wildlife are minimal. Nevertheless, there are also limitations in terms of the scientific basis and methodological consistency of the assessments, which is why more rigorous systematic studies with greater temporal scope. Until now, forest management is based on a disjunctive ontological paradigm that separates human beings from nature and considers the forest as a source of forest products and opportunities for generating economic income, even though they have advanced significantly at the legal and technical levels in terms of conservation concepts, which translate into different degrees of commitment to wildlife. However, the evaluation of wildlife for its intrinsic values is almost non-existent


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Arce Rojas, Universidad Ricardo Palma

Doctor en Pensamiento Complejo por la Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin de México, Magister Scientiae en Conservación de Recursos Forestales e Ingeniero Forestal por la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Bachiller Profesional en Administración por la Escuela Superior de Educación Profesional “María Rosario Araoz Pinto”. Tiene un Diplomado en Cambio Climático por el Instituto Latinoamericano de Ciencias y ha cursado el Programa de Gobernabilidad y Gerencia Política en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Cuenta con 30 años de experiencia profesional forestal con énfasis en forestería social y fortalecimiento de capacidades.



How to Cite

Arce Rojas, R. (2020). Bioethics in the wood forestry harnessing and its impact on the fauna. PLURIVERSIDAD, (5), 173–189.



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