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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GLOBAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JOURNAL AUTHORS                                                         

 ISSNe – 2520 9019

The journal publishes two issues a year, with the results of research on administration and business in a global context (see lines of research)

When submitting your article, it must be written in one of the following languages: Spanish and English. Digit with single line spacing; with margins of 3 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the right and 3 cm on the top and bottom; the indented paragraphs, separated by a space. Use Arial font, in 12-point characters.

The author when submitting his article must declare that the article is original, that it is not being evaluated by another national or international journal and that it has not been published previously.

The numbers and units of measurement must be expressed according to the International System of Units (SI)

APA style should be used for appointments and references.

The following levels should be taken into account for titles and sub titles.

Level 1: Centered, uppercase, bold


                                     THE PACIFIC ALLIANCE

Level 2: Lined to the left, uppercase, bold



Level 3: Lined to the left, lowercase, italic


Background of the process

Level 4: Lined to the left, lowercase


Other measures taken

At the end of the article the email of the corresponding author should be placed for correspondence with the journal.

While it is being considered for publication, the article should not be sent to other journals. Once approved for publication, all rights become the property of the journal.


The original articles are submitted to an arbitration process.


Original articles

                                              Experimental, empirical, factual or quantitative research

Title in the Spanish language, a maximum of 15 words is recommended.

English Title

Full names of the author (s), accompanied by their institutional affiliation.

Summary with keywords. Structured with the following parts:

Objectives, methods, results and conclusions, written in a single paragraph with a maximum of 250 words.

Abstract with keywords.

Introduction: Considering background, research problem, hypothesis,

objective (s), contributions of the author, brief description, difficulties and / or limitations of what could not be done.

Material and Methods: Methods to obtain the population (*), devices and equipment used (*), original design or modifications made by the author if he has taken as a model another work (*), contributions that improved the procedure (*), analysis statistical (*)

(*) Always detail when it is relevant in the investigation.

Results: Expresses the research findings, clearly, without opinions or interpretations, except for those of statistical scope, tables and figures as a complement.

Discussion: Explain the results, compare the results with the results obtained by other authors, explain the limitations and difficulties, this section includes the conclusions and / or recommendations.

Acknowledgment: (If relevant), to the institutions, then to the people

Bibliographic References: According to APA style.

Email of one of the authors for correspondence.

                                                     Information collection, monographic, descriptive or qualitative research

Title in Spanish, a maximum of 15 words is recommended.

English Title

Full names of the authors, accompanied by their institutional affiliation.

Summary with keywords: Written in a single paragraph with a maximum of 250 words.

Abstract with keywords.

Introduction: Considering background, research problem (if any, therefore hypothesis), objective (s).

Material and Methods: If used.

Results: Orderly writing, you can divide it into chapters and sub chapters, if necessary, tables and / or figures are included when it is necessary to clarify the argument.

Discussion: Explain the results, compare the results with the results of other authors, explain the limitations and difficulties, conclusions and / or recommendations.

It can be replaced by the conclusions section.

Acknowledgment: (If relevant), to the institutions, then to the people

References: According to APA style.

Email of one of the authors for correspondence.



Synthesis of a business plan

It should be considered:

Business description

Objective (s) of the business plan

Analysis and strategic plan

Description of the basic business plans

Analysis of projections and financial data

Bibliographic references

Maximum 4 pages

Review article

The author reviews a book and describes its review, it should be considered:

The text with the revision.


Maximum 6 pages


Send your contributions through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform

Communications should be addressed to emails:

Carta al Editor

Se recibe una comunicación corta dirigida al editor sobre algún artículo publicado en un número anterior, puede ser contribución a lo publicado o crítica fundamentada. Puede contar con una extensión máxima de dos páginas, dos tablas o figuras si fuera necesario y máximo cinco referencias bibliográficas.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.