Peruvian experience on the deployment of infrastructure for mobile communications




Electromagnetic fields, non-ionizing radiations, radiofrequencies, telecommunications, RF, mobile telephony, base stations


The main objective of this study has been to summarize the most important actions that were carried out on the subject of non-ionizing radians. These actions were carried out in Peru to achieve the deployment of the mobile communications infrastructure. The main actions were carried out by the National Institute for Telecommunications Research and Training (INICTEL), currently INICTEL-UNI; the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), especially through the Telecommunications Control and Supervision Directorate (DGCST-MTC); and the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) mainly through the Faculty of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (FIEE-UNMSM). The evaluation of the effects on health and regulation is included, which was based on several important international documents, especially those that were produced within the framework of the International Electromagnetic Fields Project of the World Health Organization (WHO) carried out by INICTEL-UNI and FIEEUNMSM. The results of the most important Peruvian evaluations, which are carried out on the main telecommunications services and systems (radio frequencies) and have been carried out since 2000 to 2015, are also considered. Likewise, the actions carried out to disseminate information and avoid social alarm are highlighted. The measurements and evaluations have been carried out by INICTEL-UNI and the MTC, at a national level, through representative samples that included more than 3,000 telecommunications sites. These were broadband, thanks to the use of electromagnetic field analyzers, and narrowband, with spectrum analyzers and selective electromagnetic radiation analyzers. The dissemination of information and the prevention of social alarm has been conducted by INICTEL-UNI, the MTC and the FIEE-UNMSM.


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Author Biographies

Víctor Manuel Cruz Ornetta, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú.

Senior Lecturer at Ricardo Palma University and the National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, PhD in Environmental Sciences. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru and Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru.

Jorge Paúl Ubillús Gonzales, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú.

Professional Academic of Electronics at Ricardo Palma University. He has been a member of the Professional School of Electronics, head of the Digital Systems Laboratory, head of the Office of Goods and Services of the Faculty of Engineering, director of the Professional Academic School of Electronics and director of the Central Office of Information Technology and Computing at Ricardo Palma University.


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How to Cite

Cruz Ornetta, V. M. ., & Ubillús Gonzales, J. P. (2016). Peruvian experience on the deployment of infrastructure for mobile communications. Engineering Profiles, 11(11), 55–67.



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