Digital imaging processing for speed determination and traffic flow measurement




Speed determination, traffic flow measurement, Morphologic Operations, Image Labeling, Matlab GUI software


This article proposes an image processing technique for measuring vehicular flow and estimating speed at a given point on Paseo de la República Avenue in the city of Lima. To determine vehicular flow and estimate speed, a non-linear digital filtering operation, histogram manipulation, a segmentation operation, and morphological operators of dilation, erosion, opening, closing, and binary image labeling were used. By labeling the images, each vehicle was represented by a white object. This facilitated obtaining the center of mass of the objects labeled in each binary image in order to then compare them with respect to a reference line. This technique was implemented in the GUI of the Matlab software and a group of 12 digital videos captured during daylight hours and for limited periods of time was used. As for the results, the average vehicle flow achieved had a success rate of 90%, while in the case of the approximate average speed a value not exceeding 80 km/h was found.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Freddy Huamaní Navarrete, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú.

Electronic Engineer graduated from the Ricardo Palma University (1999), with the degree of Master in Electrical Engineering in the area of ​​Signal Processing and Process Control from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1997), and the degree of Doctor in Systems Engineering from the Alas Peruanas University (2013). He has solid experience in the development of research projects in the areas of digital signal and image processing, and artificial intelligence, as well as process automation and control. Extensive academic experience at the undergraduate and graduate level in public and private universities, professional performance in the area of ​​research and development in public and private sector companies, undergraduate and graduate thesis advisor, publications in journals indexed to SCOPUS, article reviewer in international conferences, and participation as a speaker in various academic events. Active member of the IEEE and the College of Engineers of Peru.

José Luis Rojas Vara, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Lima, Perú.

Chartered Electronic Engineer specialized in Telecommunications, Networking and Electronic Security, responsible, honest, committed and with great enthusiasm, desire for improvement. Willing to learn new tools that allow me to optimize my performance and professional career.


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How to Cite

Huamaní Navarrete, P. F., & Rojas Vara, J. L. (2016). Digital imaging processing for speed determination and traffic flow measurement. Engineering Profiles, 11(11), 67–74.



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