Application of Collaborating Plates and Fibromac 12 to improve the resistance of the slabs in a Shopping Center in Miraflores, Lima




deck slabs, steel deck, dosage, cracks, fibromac12


The present research aims to describe and explain the placement of the collaborating plates, the dosage and the cracking in the collaborating slabs and how Fibromac12 provides resistance in the concrete of the slabs in the parking lot of a shopping center in Miraflores-Lima. The procedure for the investigation considered the review of bibliographic material, manuals and quality protocols to determine the application of the collaborating plates on the existing structure and the behavior of the concrete resistance of the slabs due to Fibromac12, considering the activity of use of the downtown parking. The results found show that the placement of the plates presents three typical supports A, B and C defined in the construction manual; Regarding dosage and cracking, it was determined that Fibromac12 improved the quality of the concrete by 21%, finally the cracks were classified according to their thickness and pattern, which allowed us to determine the cracking patterns. The conclusions establish that the collaborating plates need to be placed with a minimum support of 12 mm for type A and 40 mm for type B support. The concrete dosage incorporating 71 grams of Fibromac12 per bag of cement increases the concrete quality at 28 days, improving on average 21% of its resistance and with respect to cracking, no plastic shrinkage cracking patterns were found, so Fibromac12 is controlling this type of cracking. 


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Author Biographies

Haldor Sánchez Hernández, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú.

Estudiante de la asignatura Taller de Investigación en Ingeniería I Escuela de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Ricardo Palma.

Margarita Murillo Manrique, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú.

Doctor in Education, Master in University Management and Teaching - UCV, postgraduate studies in Systems Engineering UNI, Professional Bachelor in Electricity and Electronics - ESEP-José Pardo. Doctor Honoris Causa from UNDAC. Methodologist in the TITES-FI-URP program. Teacher of the Engineering Research Methodology subjects, Engineering Research Workshop I. Teacher at the National Technological University of Lima Sur. RENACYT teacher P0039523. Scopus Author ID: 57211356705.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Hernández, H., & Murillo Manrique, M. (2022). Application of Collaborating Plates and Fibromac 12 to improve the resistance of the slabs in a Shopping Center in Miraflores, Lima . Engineering Profiles, 18(18), 15–34.



Ingeniería Civil