Healthy eating with fruits and vegetables: A more complex issue than your own consumption

Alimentación Saludable Con Frutas Y Verduras: Un Tema Más Complejo Que Su Propio Consumo




In the article published by Huamancayo-Espíritu and Pérez-Cárdenas on the consumption of fruits and vegetables in medical students, the authors estimated a prevalence of low consumption of fruits and vegetables of 60.1% in a sample of 371 students. The most frequent reasons found were the difficulty of obtaining them in the university cafeterias, insufficient time for their selection, purchase and preparation and the fact of living with their father or mother who is in charge of their feeding; the second being the only associated factor, and the last being a protective factor. The study has many strengths, among which the importance of the thematic axis that it develops stands out: healthy lifestyles are one of the great determinants of health, highlighting that one in every 5 deaths in the world is associated with unhealthy eating.


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How to Cite

Magallanes Cabrera, J. (2020). Healthy eating with fruits and vegetables: A more complex issue than your own consumption: Alimentación Saludable Con Frutas Y Verduras: Un Tema Más Complejo Que Su Propio Consumo. Revista De La Facultad De Medicina Humana, 20(4).