Competences of the administrator’s graduate profile in a global context, a review of the literature

Competencias del perfil de egreso del administrador en un contexto global, una revisión de la literatura


  • Carlos Francisco José Tassara Salviati Universidad Ricardo Palma



Competences, Administration, Globalization


In an increasingly integrated and challenging world, companies require administrators who
are able to cope with a globalized and highly competitive business environment. In that
sense, the objective of the research is to establish the competences of the administrator’s
graduate profile to perform in a global context. To this aim, a qualitative design research
of documentary type was developed, using as a source of information scientific papers
indexed in the Google Academic database. An important finding is that generic
competences such as teamwork, strategic leadership, adaptation to change, technology
management and ability to interact in multicultural environments, among others, are more
valued by employers than specific competences.


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How to Cite

Tassara Salviati, C. F. J. (2020). Competences of the administrator’s graduate profile in a global context, a review of the literature: Competencias del perfil de egreso del administrador en un contexto global, una revisión de la literatura. Global Business Administration Journal, 4(1), 3–9.