Ethics as a touchstone in the judiciary or practical reasoning: Regarding the ratification of magistrates




ethics, justice, constitution, ratification, justice system, penalty, institutional challenge


Under Peruvian law, the so-called review of the judicial virtues corresponds also be applied to the stage of selection and appointment of judges, as well as during the so-called process of judicial ratification, although certainly, following a scrupulous observance of the right to due process in this latter case. This approach is attached to a perspective that reflects a genuine link between legal reasoning and ethics. The following lines seek to define the importance of this link with regard to the disputed system of ratification of judges in Peru.


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How to Cite

Távara Córdova, F. (2021). Ethics as a touchstone in the judiciary or practical reasoning: Regarding the ratification of magistrates. Ius Inkarri, 4(4), 179–191.



Research Articles