About the Journal

Journal of the Ricardo Palma University Research Center, guides and disseminates the main research results that are carried out in the social sciences, humanities and basic sciences. It is aimed at the academic and scientific public interested in the production and socialization of knowledge. It is annual.

Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 25 (2023): SCIENTIA

The SCIENTIA Journal is a publication of the Research Center, Research Vice-Rectorate of Ricardo Palma University, with a multidisciplinary approach. It guides and disseminates the main research outcomes in social sciences, humanities, and basic sciences. It is aimed at an academic and scientific audience interested in the production and sharing of knowledge. It is published annually and has been continuously issued since 1999, being one of the first research journals of Ricardo Palma University. Indexed in: Latindex.

Published: 2024-01-01


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