Implementation of graphical interface in the GUI of the MATLAB to apply the tuning of PID controllers


  • Pedro Huamani Navarrete


Matlab GUI, limit gain tuning, tuning by reaction curve, tuning by trial and error.


This article presents the design of three graphic interfaces using the graphical user interface
(GUIDE) development environment of Matlab, to determine the parameters of a Proportional,
Proportional-Integral or Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller from three empirical tuning
methods. Likewise, the purpose of this design was to complement and facilitate the students
learning the procedure of adjusting the parameters of an industrial controller, simulating it from a scientific computer software such as Matlab. And, as it is a simulation, three different
transfer functions were selected where the methods of tuning by trial and error, limit gain and
reaction curve were applied. Also, such interfaces used objects of type Push Button, Axes, Radio
Button, Edit Text, Static Text, among others, thus allowing the entry of the Set Point, showing
the value of the Process Variable and representing graphs according to time. Regarding the
result achieved with the three graphical interfaces designed, it is affirmed that the aim of the
tuning was reached by presenting a steady-state error equal to zero, an establishment time
very close to 10 seconds and an impulse envelope absent in one of the cases.


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How to Cite

Navarrete, P. H. (2019). Implementation of graphical interface in the GUI of the MATLAB to apply the tuning of PID controllers. Scientia, 20(20), 175–202. Retrieved from


