Son tiempos de turbulencia social y política en la actual coyuntura que conmocionan a nuestro país, y que nos interpela ¿en qué tipo de sociedad queremos vivir? Hoy, es urgente la necesidad de principios éticos para la construcción de una sociedad democrática, basado en el diálogo y sustentado en una cultura de paz, en este sentido, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso en el fortalecimiento de la democracia y la democratización de nuestro Perú.
Es en este contexto que aparece con el décimo número la revista PLURIVERSIDAD, desde este espacio académico libre, de encuentro y expresión del pensamiento, y que ha tenido por objetivo desde el inicio, el presentar diversas visiones de nuestra pluriversidad social y cultural, que nos permita acercarnos en la construcción de un nosotros. Con este mismo espíritu en esta nueva edición, presentamos artículos de gran calidad en las diversas áreas académicas, que hace posible la continuidad del trabajo y compromiso editorial del Vicerrectorado Académico, para promover y difundir permanentemente las investigaciones en nuestra Universidad, y así seguir alumbrando con conocimientos y saberes a las actuales generaciones.
It is a great pleasure to present the eighth issue of the PLURIVERSIDAD journal, in which renowned researchers publish their academic and intellectual work, offering texts of great quality and originality in different areas of knowledge. The editorial continuity of the Academic Vice-Rectorate is possible thanks to the permanent support of the Rectorate to promote research in our university.
Approximately two years have passed since the beginning of the pandemic and humanity continues to live with fear, suffering and uncertainty in the face of the virus and its multiple strains. Nevertheless, there is a double condition that has simultaneously reemerged in humanity, its capacity to resist, but also its capacity to think and act in solidarity. Values such as love, faith and hope are once more present in our lives. In this sense, we welcome the arrival of this new year 2022 wishing the entire academic community health and fulfillment and encouraging this community to remain committed to the construction of a democratic and ethical society.
En el año del Bicentenario de nuestra Independencia, es grato presentar este séptimo número de la revista PLURIVERSIDAD en la que destacados investigadores nos ofrecen textos de rigurosa calidad académica en los campos de la sociología, arqueología, historia, lingüística y la educación. Cabe indicar que esta continuidad editorial del Vicerrectorado Académico es posible gracias al apoyo e incentivo permanente del Rectorado para difundir las investigaciones en nuestra Universidad.
Asimismo, es necesario señalar que a pesar de la pandemia y las múltiples adversidades que nos ha traído como sociedad durante estos dos años, también nos ha planteado diversos retos a la Universidad, reto que ha sido asumido plenamente por nuestra comunidad académica, y que desde el campo de las investigaciones tanto las ciencias de la salud, ciencias sociales y humanidades vienen generando ideas y conocimiento valiosos para seguir reflexionando nuestro Perú y sus posibilidades de desarrollo. En este sentido, la revista Pluriversidad, seguirá convocando a profesionales y académicos de las diversas ramas del saber comprometidos con la construcción de una sociedad democrática.
Los tiempos que estamos viviendo producto del virus responsable de la COVID-19 que ha originado una pandemia global, nos hace experimentar de súbito incertidumbres, inseguridades y miedos colectivos frente al riesgo de la enfermedad o la muerte. Hoy más que nunca, las ciencias de la salud, las ciencias sociales y humanidades son convocadas e interpeladas para que, desde sus diversos espacios del saber interdisciplinario o transdisciplinario, puedan aportar conocimientos producto de investigaciones que se traduzcan en alternativas o recomendaciones en la formulación de políticas públicas para enfrentar esta crisis sanitaria y económica que conmociona a nuestro país.
Es en este contexto que la revista PLURIVERSIDAD sigue siendo ese espacio libre de encuentro y expresión del pensamiento, de los múltiples saberes y ciencias; una perspectiva que recoge una pluralidad de pareceres que existen en nuestro país, América Latina y el mundo haciendo de la revista un espacio permanente de reflexiones y debates que contribuyen al acervo del conocimiento, razones por las que prontamente se ha constituido en un referente académico editorial de nuestra universidad.
Pluriversidad appears with the fifth edition, in a tragic juncture for the country and the world in which the coronavirus pandemic has place the life defense as the principal aim of the government and their citizens. In this context, our University reinforces all his human abilities and its tools to attenuate and overcome the critical factors that threaten the Peruvian society health and economy.
Although reality is demonstrating that overcome this pandemic by itself is not enough, it is necessary to build a world in which liberty and justice could let us show in what kind of society we would like to live. And this could only be reach distinguishing the different social and political force that look for a different culture in relation to the one we are living in. Therefore Pluriversidad will continue to call for professional and intellectual staff from different areas to debate and propose alternatives in different aspects associated to economy, politics and culture
Since its first edition, PLURIVERSIDAD has become in an autonomous and democratic space, that responds to the Universidad Ricardo Palma nature as a nonprofit institution, which motto is to educate citizens in a culture of peace. In this context, our journal intends to express our expectations to contribute to the critical analysis and evaluating problems that our society has to face in a historical, economic, political and cultural context in South America and in the whole world.
Therefore, professionals and intellectuals, somewhat of our university as well as other organizations, outlined the need to propose the neoliberal model. This model is expressed economically, in the extreme inequality of the distribution of national wealth, politically in crisis of society and the State representation in the deep weakness of the political parties; and culturally, in the precarization of knowledge management and underestimate of a exacerbate self-interest as the moral citizen foundation.
Pluriversidad, the academic journal of Vicerrectorado Académico de la Universidad Ricardo Palma is part of the commemorative events of the 50th anniversary of our institution creation, as well as the centenary of the death of our patron, Mr. F. Ricardo Palma, creator of the literary genre named Tradition We can see with optimism, through the reading of these articles, the coincidence of connecting the different phenomenon of the heterogeneity of our reality and of the outlines of political alternatives. We consider this an important challenge because we consider that it is possible to develop a publishing activity with a national point of view without leaving a global vision. This publishing activity answers to the local concerns and is developed considering the heterogeneous cultural traditions of the Peruvian society and it also contributes to the
universal development of the knowledge.
On the eve of celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of Universidad Ricardo Palma, we are pleased to present this second publication of the PLURIVERSIDAD academic journal in which relevant researchers offer us articles of rigorous quality in sociology, history, anthropology, law, politics and natural sciences. It should be mentioned that this publishing initiative of the Academic Vicerectorate has been possible due to the support of the different high authorities of our university and of recognized intellectuals of our country. So, it is a product of collective effort with the purpose of contribute to the understanding of Peru complex natural and social reality as well as in the construction of proposals for the alternative
management of our society.
These words of congratulation are for Doctor José Martínez Llaque, Vicerrector Académico of our university, for the publication of this journal as one of his main works, of his management in this position. It was his first promise and he has keep it. As a result of a university authority that organizes its work not to be absorb for the administrative activities, it is the first journal that represents the Academic Vicerectorate that leads an intellectual line of the academic journals published in our university. This academic journal was named PLURIVERSIDAD and it suggests a social approach, a perspective of plural point of views and of a complete freedom of speech of thought. The group of professors that take part of this project from the beginning
represents a good example of the variety of the articles, the approaches and intellectual point of views that will lead the following publications of this academic journal. It turns this journal a forum of initiatives, productive dynamism, reflections, advances and debates. Welcome to the fist number of PLURIVERSIDAD, it is destined to convene interest and to activate the academic
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