View No. 1 (2018): PLURIVERSIDAD

These words of congratulation are for Doctor José Martínez Llaque, Vicerrector Académico of our university, for the publication of this journal as one of his main works, of his management in this position. It was his first promise and he has keep it. As a result of a university authority that organizes its work not to be absorb for the administrative activities, it is the first journal that represents the Academic Vicerectorate that leads an intellectual line of the academic journals published in our university. This academic journal was named PLURIVERSIDAD and it suggests a social approach, a perspective of plural point of views and of a complete freedom of speech of thought. The group of professors that take part of this project from the beginning
represents a good example of the variety of the articles, the approaches and intellectual point of views that will lead the following publications of this academic journal. It turns this journal a forum of initiatives, productive dynamism, reflections, advances and debates. Welcome to the fist number of PLURIVERSIDAD, it is destined to convene interest and to activate the academic

Published: 2018-09-26

Original Papers