Anthropometric Profile and Maximum Serve Speed in Male Tennis Players at a Peruvian Sports Medical Center
Perfil antropométrico y velocidad máxima de servicio en tenistas varones de un centro deportivo medico peruano | 秘鲁体育医疗中心男性网球运动员的体测特征和最快发球速度
Tennis, Anthropometry, Speed, Athletic Performance, Personalized TrainingAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between anthropometric profile and serve speed in male Peruvian tennis players.
Methods: A quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study was conducted with 79 male tennis players from the FiXU sports medical center in Lima, Peru, during 2023 and 2024. Variables such as height, weight, BMI, and limb dimensions were measured. Serve speed was assessed using a calibrated speed gun.
Results: The average serve speed was 94.38 km/h (±9.98). The average height of the players was 174.61 cm (±4.17) and the average weight was 72.20 kg (±6.97). Height (r=0.796) and weight (r=0.533) showed significant correlations with serve speed. Weekly playing hours (r=0.611) and years of experience (r=0.435) also showed positive associations. Linear regression identified height (B=1.91, p<0.001), weight (B=0.76, p<0.001), and forearm length (B=6.00, p<0.001) as significant predictors of serve speed.
Conclusion: Height and weight are significant predictors of serve speed in Peruvian tennis players. Limb measurements and years of experience positively influence serve speed, while BMI showed no significant correlation.
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