The concept of nation as a synthesis in the revolutionary work of Emmanuel Sieyès




Nation, Political constitution, Political, Thought, Democracy


This article outlines the coordinates in which the abbot of Sieyès, who participates in the controversies that gave rise to this historical process, is the author and author of an influential and original proposal that would include the controversial exchanges of literate people committed to the course of his country’s recent policy, either by supporting the monarchy and its ministers as critics against it in the different expressions of opposition to the so-called “Old Regime”; and examines the conceptions of nation that approach Sieyes’s proposal, in order to distinguish them and to discern the originality of his revolutionary proposal, and to carry out an analysis of its theoretical content, while noting the unfinished details of its valuable contribution to the history of political and constitutional thinking.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gómez, E. (2018). The concept of nation as a synthesis in the revolutionary work of Emmanuel Sieyès. Ius Inkarri, 6(6), 55–74.



Research Articles