Alberto Hidalgo in peruvian literature: From the avant-garde to the national expression




Avant-garde, Simplism, Iism, Vital attitude, Spatial poetry, Current poetry, National expression


This essay, dedicated to the Arequipean poet Alberto Hidalgo, invite us to think over the work of this remarkable pioneer of avant-garde, who took Peru as an axis of its creative Verb. In a panoramic vision, we will see in which way his poetry has evolved from several angles: simplism, egocentrism and national expression. In addition, we account the characteristics of the avant-garde and its correlative distinctness with the current poetry. Finally, we gather various scholars’ comments of this Arequipean poet who is undoubtedly a controversial but fundamental one within our literary process.


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Escobar, Alberto. 1973 Antología de la Poesía Peruana, Tomo I, Lima, Peisa

González Vigil, Ricardo. 1999 Poesía Peruana del siglo XX, Tomo I, Lima, Ediciones Copé.

Hidalgo, Alberto. 1937. Diario de mi sentimiento (1922-1936), Buenos Aires, editado por el autor.

Hidalgo, Alberto. 1997 Antología poética, Arequipa, Universidad Nacional San Agustín.

Higgins, James. 2006. Historia de la literatura peruana, Lima, Universidad Ricardo Palma.

Monguió, Luis. 1954. La poesía postmodernista peruana, México, Fondo Económico de Cultura.

Núñez, Estuardo. 1938. Panorama actual de la poesía peruana, Lima, Editorial Antena.

Augusto Tamayo Vargas. 1992. Literatura Peruana, Tomos I-II-III, Lima, Peisa.

Toro Montalvo, César. 2002. Poesía Peruana Contemporánea, Tomo I, Lima, Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

Verani, Hugo J. 1986 Las Vanguardias Literarias en Hispanoamérica, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica.



How to Cite

Pantigoso Pecero, M. (2018). Alberto Hidalgo in peruvian literature: From the avant-garde to the national expression. Ius Inkarri, 6(6), 239–252.



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