The imaginary of ‘We the peruvians’ in the traditions of Ricardo Palma




Thinking, Criollismo, Traditions, History, Transgression, Interpretation


The criollismo of Palma is cultural, therefore it is imaginary in us; this criollismo is a new story, which has antecedents in Pardo and Segura, but very different in its creativity and stylistic richness and which is at the same time ‘expression of a popular mestizo soul’, in which stands our human comedy with its thousand characters, “lacks truth and efficacy for social change, a change that in Traditions has a different meaning that allows us to imagine a” we “capable of denying and affirming, preserving and forgetting; to imagine their protagonism with the sense of thinking, as the exercise of a critical activity or to transform the destructive characteristic of the activity of thinking in results that are positive and profitable, generating states of perplexity.


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How to Cite

Mendívil Nina, J. (2018). The imaginary of ‘We the peruvians’ in the traditions of Ricardo Palma. Ius Inkarri, 6(6), 283–306.



Research Articles