The first attempts at environmental institutionality in Peru and its precarious development




social conflicts, institutionality, public politics, climate change, environmental management


The main challenge we face is to know how to design and implement corporate environmental management systems able to promote and reconcile multiple interests of social and economic actors to avoid environmental conflicts that way. We believe that better articulating the dynamics of resistance, now dispersed and fragmented, offering opportunities to autonomy, which effectively treat the conflict as a function of social arrangements, it could prevent the seams of this precarious institutional tearing further.

If the claims in question requires a change in the distribution of benefits and privileges that exist in a community, the institutions put in place mechanisms of power, designed to stifle even before either expressed or, upon agreement, you could try to delete it before it gains access to relevant decision-making arena. The managers' differences and quell social conflicts, are the institutions that they should be installed in an area of more or less large or small meeting, between public and private, always looking for the social satisfaction and approval rating. However, it is clear that today, some institutions are strangled delegitimized or demolished, and there is even consensus to push them to all the authorities, that caste and mediocrity indolent, not having the ability to formulate management solutions and demonstrate their efficiency.


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How to Cite

Franciskovic Ingunza, M., & Godenzi Alegre, J. L. (2021). The first attempts at environmental institutionality in Peru and its precarious development. Ius Inkarri, 3(3), 291–306.



Research Articles