Brief reflections on the object of study and the purpose of law


  • Carlos Fernández Sessarego Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú



object of study, purpose of law, person, positivism, existentialism, three-dimensionality, legal values, dignity


There was always concern us regarding the subject matter of law, was great our surprise, followed by a natural confusion, when the legal philosopher illustrious Juan Bautista de Lavalle, who was in charge of the course Introduction to Law in the first year of Faculty, explained--taking it for granted which, according to Hans Kelsen, the object was legal because, in accordance with the postulated by the Pure Theory of Law standards, social values human life and belonged to metalegal. They were, therefore, beyond the boundaries of law.

The reaction that we raised exposure of that teacher, described above, had an explanation which, according to our philosophy studies completed at the Faculty of Arts at the Mayor de San Marcos National University, was impossible to miss the human being and values, senses and lived by him, of any discipline relating to knowledge of the behavior of human being in the dimension of social relations. And the law is one of them. This is initially present in the reality of life, through inter-human behavior. Thus we can say that if Cain kills Abel nothing to assess nothing to regulate. This we found indisputable.


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How to Cite

Fernández Sessarego, C. (2021). Brief reflections on the object of study and the purpose of law. Ius Inkarri, 4(4), 137–145.



Research Articles