Legal aesthetics: Art and work


  • César Edmundo Manrique Zegarra Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú



Aesthetics, Art, Work, Act, Actor, Performance, Material, Substance, Language, Beauty justice, Jurisprudence, Will, Imagination


This article departs from identifing similarities between the legal and the artistical activity: the legal as well as the artistic agent undertakes an intelectual effort, he/she dedicates his/her thoughts, imagination and memory to decide what should be done; he/she pursuits something baeatiful or something fair; he/she obtaines a result that can be observed and objectively measured; he/she changes the natural world and the social environment.
Along the article it is postulated that science and technology achievements are consequence of modeling the natural material according to the sense of beauty which finallly is the artistic activity; it is argued that humanity has not developed an adequate criteria to model the human materia according to Justice which is a failure to blame on the legal activitity. While Faith, Reason, Good and Truth do not require using compulsión to be recognized, Justice imposses itself compulsively. It is based on the concept of enforcement.
To support those assertions, the author makes some of the following questions: Is it feasible to model the human materia in harmony with a feeling of justice?; Are there procedures, methods and techniques adequate to create fair human relationships -despite the variety, diversity, complexity and singularity of those relationships?. Is there a method to develop fair inspiration, just criterion, fair taste, fair actions, or the hability to question de status quo based on fair justifications. He thiks that we need to improve our capabilities such as imagination, freedom of thought, research capacity and creative activity in order to obtein a society based on justice. The text do not offers a specific answer. It is an essay about how to analyze the relationship betewwen Aesthetics, Art and Legal Work.


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How to Cite

Manrique Zegarra, C. E. (2021). Legal aesthetics: Art and work. Ius Inkarri, 5(5), 167–210.



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