The compliance with the constitutional purpose of punishment in the Peruvian prison system. Utopia or reality?




punishment, prevention, reintegration, prison treatment, human rights, human dignity


The rule of law is built on a reasoned set of values and principles that are protected around a supreme principle: the dignity of the person, with this it must be understood that the person as a complex entity can never lose the value of dignity and any institution that regulates people’s lives must safeguard this value. The penalty is not the exception, since its application should not exempt the defendant from worthy treatment and therefore its supreme purpose is precisely the reintegration into society of the person who has broken the legal status quo. This article will not only carry out an exhaustive historical account of the precedent and treatment in Peru, but will also confront in the light of the figures. In other words, how effective the Peruvian system is in achieving, and what is an obligation according to our constitutional order: guarantee reintegration and resocialization of the inmate.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Muñoz, N. N. (2021). The compliance with the constitutional purpose of punishment in the Peruvian prison system. Utopia or reality?. Ius Inkarri, 10(10), 113–158.



Research Articles