

  • Rudy Cáceres Valdez Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú


The starting point of this work is the concept of Law since from here arises the fundamental aspect to be developed. Few etymological analyzes suggest as much as that of the word Law.

Fernández Galiano attributes four meanings to the word Law: as a norm or set of norms in force (objective meaning); as a power attributed to a subject to do, not do or demand something (subjective right); ideal of justice or its negation (just) and as human knowledge applied to reality (law as science).


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How to Cite

Cáceres Valdez, R. (2011). positivism. Ius Inkarri, 1(1), 341–346. Retrieved from https://revistas.urp.edu.pe/index.php/Inkarri/article/view/5662



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