The Right of the Few: Orwell and Animal Farm




Orwell, Animal Farm, power, law, politics


In academic circles, George Orwell’s works have been studied from various disciplines for the manner in which they reflect the dangers of totalitarian societies and the mechanisms of control and surveillance. However, the richness of his literature also has an impact on the legal world. This article aims to unravel the conception of law in Animal Farm (1945). After a hermeneutic study, law is identified as an instrument of power used for the benefit of the few. The work generates a rupture in the way of conceiving law as a set of rules whose ends are the common good and justice, thus discovering the relationship of law with the will of those who hold power.


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How to Cite

Morin Flores, A. N. (2023). The Right of the Few: Orwell and Animal Farm. Ius Inkarri, 12(14), 325–342.



Research Articles