Analysis of the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes and the rationale for its application to internal armed conflicts




Peaceful resolution, Internal conflicts, International Law, State sovereignty, Human rights.


The present article analyzes the principle of peaceful dispute resolution and its application to internal armed conflicts. Three fundamental principles that motivate the international community's intervention in internal conflicts are highlighted: the sovereignty of states, human rights, and humanitarian protection.
The principle of state sovereignty is framed in Article 2 of the UN Charter, which establishes the equal sovereignty of all its members. Article 3, common to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, adds basic human rights, valid in times of peace and war. In general, the UN Security Council condemns excesses committed by parties to an internal conflict and establishes international criminal tribunals to punish those who commit human rights violations.
The study concludes that the three principles provide international interest in virtually any internal armed conflict and that the UN system further provides evidence regarding the international community's interests in armed conflicts. It offers an advanced and cutting-edge perspective in the field of International Law and its application to internal armed conflicts.


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How to Cite

Hernández Campos, A., & Bouroncle Velásquez, M. (2024). Analysis of the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes and the rationale for its application to internal armed conflicts. Ius Inkarri, 13(15), 253–284.



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