Emerging artificial intelligence (AI), risk to human rights?





Human rights, digital environments, conventional artificial intelligence, emerging artificial intelligence, risks of artificial intelligence, ethics and artificial intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses diverse challenges for human rights at the level of digital environments. Along with the inexorable advance of these rights, several risks arise – discrimination, replacement of human labor, forms of impact on human creativity, etc. – that must be faced through public policies that emphasize the promotion of ethical principles in the development of AI. These principles represent a point of balance between AI and human rights.


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How to Cite

Figueroa Gutarra, E. (2024). Emerging artificial intelligence (AI), risk to human rights?. Ius Inkarri, 13(15), 143–167. https://doi.org/10.59885/iusinkarri.2024.v13n15.07



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