The negative effects of linguistic ambiguity on profesional communication


  • Eugenio Jesús López-Gómez Facultad de Enfermería y Tecnología de la Salud, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Circunvalación y Carretera del Acueducto, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
  • Lisvette Cruz-Camacho Ambiguity in linguistic expression causes an alteration in the transmitted message, which has an unfavorable impact on the recipient's interpretation. It constitutes a fact observed in all contexts, including the professional one, such as that of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, Cuba. Hence, the objective of the work was to analyze the negative effects caused by this phenomenon in professional communication. Consequently, a descriptive and synchronous study was carried out, where theoretical methods - analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction - were used; empirical methods—observation and documentary review—as well as systematic exchange with professionals from that institution. The percentage analysis was used to process the information. The universe: 49 research projects, framed between 2018 and 2022. The sample: 25 documents (51%). Then, the recorded data was analyzed and reliable conclusions were reached. As a result, the recurrence of linguistic ambiguity was confirmed in the sample studied - 30 events -; expressions appear such as: “All actions are aimed at the advancement of the vertiginous patient in their usual environment”; “The importance of this work is reflected in the decreases in favorable diseases in the students of the Faculty.” In both cases, the messages were totally distorted: the vertiginous thing is not the patient, but the progress; in the second example, diseases are not favorable, but rather their decrease. Finally, the study represents a linguistic alert for scientific professionals, since ambiguous expression is not compatible with the scientific message, which is characterized by objectivity, certainty and clarity.
  • Rigoberto Fimia-Duarte Facultad de Enfermería y Tecnología de la Salud, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Circunvalación y Carretera del Acueducto, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
  • Jose Iannacone Laboratorio de Zoología. Grupo de Investigación “One Health”. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP). Lima, Perú. - Laboratorio Ecología y Biodiversidad Animal (LEBA). Grupo de investigación de sostenibilidad Ambiental (GISA). Escuela Universitaria de Posgrado (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal). Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV). Lima, Perú.
  • Mayra Pérez de Corcho-Martínez Facultad de Enfermería y Tecnología de la Salud, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Circunvalación y Carretera del Acueducto, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
  • Rafael Armiñana-García Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Carretera a Camajuaní, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba
  • Alexis Pérez-Figueredo Universidad de Oriente. Avenida Patricio Lumumba, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba



communication, effect, linguistic ambiguity, message, professional, university students


Ambiguity in linguistic expression causes an alteration in the transmitted message, which has an unfavorable impact on the recipient's interpretation. It constitutes a fact observed in all contexts, including the professional one, such as that of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, Cuba. Hence, the objective of the work was to analyze the negative effects caused by this phenomenon in professional communication. Consequently, a descriptive and synchronous study was carried out, where theoretical methods - analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction - were used; empirical methods—observation and documentary review—as well as systematic exchange with professionals from that institution. The percentage analysis was used to process the information. The universe: 49 research projects, framed between 2018 and 2022. The sample: 25 documents (51%). Then, the recorded data was analyzed and reliable conclusions were reached. As a result, the recurrence of linguistic ambiguity was confirmed in the sample studied - 30 events -; expressions appear such as: “All actions are aimed at the advancement of the vertiginous patient in their usual environment”; “The importance of this work is reflected in the decreases in favorable diseases in the students of the Faculty.” In both cases, the messages were totally distorted: the vertiginous thing is not the patient, but the progress; in the second example, diseases are not favorable, but rather their decrease. Finally, the study represents a linguistic alert for scientific professionals, since ambiguous expression is not compatible with the scientific message, which is characterized by objectivity, certainty and clarity.


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How to Cite

López-Gómez, E. J. ., Lisvette Cruz-Camacho, Fimia-Duarte, R. ., Iannacone, J. ., de Corcho-Martínez, M. P. ., Armiñana-García, R. ., & Pérez-Figueredo, A. . (2024). The negative effects of linguistic ambiguity on profesional communication. Paideia XXI, 14(2).



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