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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Los manuscritos deben de ser inéditos y originales, cuyas temáticas giren en torno a las areas de las ingenierias.
  • Los manuscritos deben ser enviados a la plataforma OJS adjuntando las fichas correspondientes (datos del autor, declaración jurada sobre originalidad y autorización para la publicación de artículos y cesión de derechos y el formulario sobre conformidad con la ciencia abierta) estos documentos únicamente en formato Microsoft Word doc. /docx
  • Los artículos científicos recepcionados estarán sujetos a revisión por pares a doble ciego, de manera anónima, por árbitros pertenecientes al Comite Evaluador de la revista Perfiles de Ingeniería.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene formato: A-4, tipo de letra: Times New Roman 12. Márgenes: 25mm, a espacio y medio (con excepción de los cuadros). Izquierda: 30mm y derecha: 25mm. Se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos IEEE, opción automatica provista por el Microsoft Word. Ver Normas para los autores.

Author Guidelines


Every article submitted to the Perfiles de Ingeniería magazine must deal with topics of interest in engineering, and must not have been previously published, nor sent simultaneously to other scientific journals. Articles may belong to one of the following categories: original articles, brief originals, review articles, special section, symposium, prominent engineering personalities in Peru, case reports, photographic gallery, section for students, letters to the editor.

Manuscripts must be sent to the OJS platform attaching the corresponding files in Word doc.docx format, strictly following IEEE publication standards.

The presentation of articles must be presented along with 03 mandatory formats which are:

  • Format 1 - Author data
  • Format 2  - Affidavit on originality and authorization for the publication of articles.
  • Format 3 - Open Science Compliance.


  • Language: Spanish or English, using Microsoft Word.
  • Format: A-4, font: Times New Roman 12.
  • Margins: 25mm, spaced and a half apart (with the exception of boxes). Left: 30mm and right: 25mm.
  • Numbering: Start with the number 1, consecutively at the bottom center of each page.

Likewise, with reference to the citation system and preparation of the bibliographic references section, the journal uses the IEEE standards and the automatic option provided by Microsoft Word must be followed.


Review the Writing Guidelines section.

Original article

Only research product and must be written in up to 3,500 words (not including summary, references, tables and figures). They should be organized in sequence: title, authors and affiliation, abstract (Spanish and English), key words (Spanish and English), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references and annexes.

Short originals

These articles are research results and can also be included as a report of preliminary progress of research that, due to its importance, requires rapid publication. These articles must be written in up to 2000 words (not including summary, references, tables and figures). The summary in Spanish and English is unstructured and has a limit of 150 words with three to five keywords. It contains an introduction, subsequently, the section called “The study” – referring, if applicable – to materials and methods, then, findings – focused on the results – and up to four tables or figures can be included; discussion and no more than 15 bibliographical references.

Review articles

It may be at the request of the Editorial Committee or at the initiative of the authors. They must include an exhaustive, objective and systematized exploration of current information on a specific engineering topic. The structure of the article is at the discretion of the author; it must be written up to 5000 words (not including summary, references, tables and figures). The tables and figures will not be more than ten. It must include an unstructured summary in Spanish and English, with a limit of 150 words, with three or five key words. You can use up to 150 bibliographic references.

Historical tribute article

In this section, tributes are published to the people who have contributed to engineering in Peru, they include a biographical note highlighting the main actions of the academic, professional and scientific life of the character, highlighting his contribution in the area, as well as a Photography. It does not require a summary and may or may not have bibliographical references, its length is up to 1800 words.

Case report

The cases presented must be of projects or situations of interest in engineering, these must be written up to 2000 words (not counting summary, references, tables and figures). The summary, in Spanish and English, is unstructured and has a limit of 150 words with three or five keywords. It contains an introduction, a section called “case report” and a discussion that highlights the contribution or teaching of the article. Up to four tables or figures and no more than 15 bibliographic references may be included.

Photo gallery

You can send photos of interest on a particular engineering topic, accompanied by a brief commentary on the topic and an explanation of the origin of the illustrations presented (up to 800 words). In addition, the photos must be accompanied by an explanatory legend. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to limit the number of illustrations.

 Student Sections

Contributions or outstanding notes that have been made by students of the Faculty of Engineering of the Ricardo Palma University.

Letters to the editor

This section is open to all readers of the Engineering Profiles Magazine, to which they can send their questions, comments or criticisms of the articles that have been published in recent issues, taking into account the possibility that the aforementioned authors can respond. . The communication of preliminary investigations or interventions in outbreaks that have not been published or submitted to publication in another journal may be accepted; as well as some comments on engineering problems, engineering ethics and engineering education. The maximum acceptable length is 1000 words (not counting references, tables or figures), with a maximum of six bibliographical references including the reference of the article that motivated it, (when applicable) and a table or figure.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.