Rules for authors

Submission of manuscripts


Author's responsibility

Item Removal

Exemption Policy


Submission of manuscripts

Perfiles de Ingeniería accepts articles and reviews of books and theses, whether written in Spanish or English, regardless of the nationality of their authors. Original and unpublished manuscripts are accepted, whose themes revolve around communication areas and related to communication sciences, in fields such as journalism, public relations, advertising and audiovisual communication.

Manuscripts must be sent to the OJS platform attaching the corresponding files in Word doc.docx format, strictly following the publication standards IEEE.

Manuscripts sent for publication may be:

  • Original articles: Only research product and must be written in up to 3,500 words (not including summary, references, tables and figures). They should be organized in sequence: title, authors and affiliation, abstract (Spanish and English), key words (Spanish and English), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references and annexes.

  • Originales breves: Estos artículos son resultados de investigación y pueden incluirse también como un reporte de avances preliminares de investigaciones que por su importancia requieren una rápida publicación, estos deberán estar redactados hasta en 2000 palabras (sin contar resumen, referencias, tablas y figuras). El resumen en español e inglés es no estructurado y tiene un límite de 150 palabras con tres a cinco palabras clave. Contiene una introducción, posteriormente, la sección denominada “El estudio” – referido, si corresponde– a materiales y métodos, luego, hallazgos –centrado en los resultados– pudiéndose incluir hasta cuatro tablas o figuras; discusión y no más de 15 referencias bibliográficas.

  • Theoretical articles: They present a new theory, analyze an existing one, contrast the limitations or advantages of one theory with respect to another. Its structure can be flexible, according to the author's discretion.

  • Review articles: May be at the request of the Editorial Committee or at the initiative of the authors, they must include an exhaustive, objective and systematized exploration of current information on a specific engineering topic. The structure of the article is at the discretion of the author; it must be written up to 5000 words (not including summary, references, tables and figures). The tables and figures will not be more than ten. It must include an unstructured summary in Spanish and English, with a limit of 150 words, with three or five key words. You can use up to 150 bibliographic references.

  • Historical tribute articles: In this section, tributes are published to the people who have contributed to engineering in Peru, they include a biographical note highlighting the main actions of the academic, professional and scientific life of the character, highlighting his contribution in the area, as well as a photograph. It does not require a summary and may or may not have bibliographical references, its length is up to 1800 words.
  • Case reports: The cases presented must be of projects or situations of interest in engineering, these must be written in up to 2000 words (not counting summary, references, tables and figures). The summary, in Spanish and English, is unstructured and has a limit of 150 words with three or five keywords. It contains an introduction, a section called “case report” and a discussion that highlights the contribution or teaching of the article. Up to four tables or figures and no more than 15 bibliographic references may be included.

  • Photo Gallery: You can send photos of interest on a particular engineering topic, accompanied by a brief comment on the topic and an explanation of the origin of the illustrations presented (up to 800 words). In addition, the photos must be accompanied by an explanatory legend. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to limit the number of illustrations.


The author is the one who assumes scientific and ethical responsibility for the research. When authorship falls to a research team, responsibility is assumed by the first name that appears in the publication.

In the event that the manuscript is approved for its next publication, the authors retain the copyright and assign to the journal the right of publication, edition, reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication in the country of origin, as well as in the abroad, through print and electronic media in different databases.

Therefore, it is established that after the publication of the articles, the authors may make other types of independent or additional agreements for the non-exclusive dissemination of the version of the article published in this journal (publication in books or institutional repositories), provided that it is explicitly indicated that the work has been published for the first time in this journal.

Author's responsibility

The articles and their contents, which are published in the editions of our journal, are the exclusive responsibility of the author or authors.

The journal Perfiles de Ingenería University Ricardo Palma (Lima, Peru), is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Likewise, they must submit the 02 mandatory formats along with the manuscript:

If the manuscript is sent for correction by the external reviewers, they must correct these observations by filling out the following form: Form for collecting observations

Item Removal

To withdraw the manuscript from the editorial process, the author must formally communicate the reason for withdrawing the manuscript and wait for the editor's response to continue sending the proposal to another journal.

Exemption policy

Perfiles de Ingeniería journal is not responsible for the opinions expressed, the credibility or authenticity of the works proposed by the authors in the published articles. The statements expressed in the articles belong exclusively to the authors.